[quote=@Aphelion] Her eyebrows shot up as she glanced into the corner of the room at Aleksandr, and she quickly took in the fact that he had been buried in his books. Ayashe was sure that he had just been a pile of books on her first sweep of the room. She was positive that all he ever did was read, read, read, and wondered how his eyes didn't fall out. [b]“Oh, I'm sorry Romanov, what did you say? Hard to understand you when you're talking behind the pages of your book. How heavy is that thing, really?”[/b] She ignored his offer of coming with her altogether, swiveling her head around when the loud and deep voice of Raine came from the stairwell. She managed to stifle [i]most[/i] of her sigh this time. Something about Raine made her want to just get him the damn ice cream. Was it the way he asked? The fact that he was huge, lanky, and positively clumsy, in her opinion? Or was it the fact that he had healed her bruises and scrapes on more than one occasion? Just maybe it was because if he went out to get it, he may not come back until he had had a pleasant time napping in the middle of the street like road kill? She was [i]sure[/i] that had occurred, at least one time in the ridiculously tall fellow's life. [b]“Fine, whatever. What flavor, Pipsqueak? 'Cus if you don't tell me, I'm getting you one of those stupid tri-flavor vanilla, strawberry, chocolate things, and it'll probably be gross.”[/b] She placed a hand on her hip before turning her attentions to Daniel, or DeeDee as she so appropriately named him. She couldn't help it, when she saw him, she saw him in a pink tutu pressing all the buttons in a figurative laboratory. His very alliterate name also helped. Daniel Dashing. C'mon, it'd be asking her to pass up gold if she didn't call him that. Or even Double D. She gave a smirk at the thought. That would be a nice nickname, for a change of pace. [b]“Doesn't surprise me that you know of [i]literally[/i] everything, Double D.”[/b] She said, putting the same emphasis on the word “literally” as Daniel had used. She could never get used to the way people called her “Dame”, especially a person so much younger than herself. She put the location of the ice cream shop in the back of her mind, she'd just go there. It was simple. When Katsu finished talking to her, she retrieved her tablet from a small bag hanging from one of her shoulders and gave it a cheerful little wiggle in his direction. [b]“You can contact me through my handy-dandy tablet if a horde of zombie babies come, Mister M.”[/b] She hoped that something interesting happened at Headquarters, because life around here had been boring lately. Her designs had even lost their usual flair in the last week or two, but she refused to admit that even a fraction of her creativity came from battling monsters. [/quote] "Oh, by the way." Daniel speaks up, and after a few quick keystrokes the tablet in her bag beeps. "So long as you're going that way, there's apparently been some sort of spooky poster showing up around the area. Shop owners keep tearing them down, they keep going up without anyone seeing how or why. Most likely just viral marketing for some Japaneses style horror movie, but there isn't any harm in checking. I've sent the report to your tablet."