[center][url=http://tektek.org/av/1557724][img]http://imagizer.imageshack.com/img908/9799/W2dNCS.png[/img][/url] [b][i]Cat Farm House || Attic Characters Interacted: Mercy[/i][/b][/center] Cat silently sat there as the girl continued on with the work, listening as Mercy cautiously asked a question about meeting other survivors. Though it was a answer she probably did not want to hear. After all, there were plenty of survivors at the beginning, until the numbers rapidly died down. Quite gruesome stories, yet amusing to the tall man as he accounted for how easily humanity turned on one another during the chaos. [color=aqua]"There were many. Many were eaten by zombies, those who managed to live long enough grew insane and temperamental. Most either shot on sight or tried to trick other survivors. It ended in their deaths."[/color] Cat answered, his blue eyes remaining the same calm as he slightly pondered on it. How many did he kill when this chaos hit? He knew their flesh made useful distractions for the undead. As long as their head was crushed first so they didn't turn. As his question was answered, he looked to the girl again. It seemed like a foolish reason, but it was a reason none the less, so he supposed he couldn't complain too much on the matter. [color=aqua]"What if you're no longer needed, and everyone in this group dies but you?"[/color] he asked bluntly, seeming unfazed by that possibility. As his own reason was questioned, his answer came swift and almost instant. [color=aqua]"My reason is to find that reason."[/color] he said before looking at his arm as she stitched it up. Once she finished her work, he slightly flexed his arm, watching her expression as she continued to be a bit nervous. But he noted her curious gaze over his deep scars. Soon, even gaining enough confidence on one of the largest one. The X over his heart that stretched over his body. This answer didn't come quite as fast as the others, seeming to have to actually think about it. But he felt no anger over it, nor anything really. [color=aqua]"Punishment."[/color] he started. [color=aqua]"Owners do not like their strays showing favor to others who bother to care. Animals are supposed to be soulless, so this is a reminder of what I am and what I lack."[/color] he answered, pondering if she would understand. Flexing his arm in examination, but not enough to do too much damage to the stitches, his blue eyes looked to her for moment before giving a gruff 'thank you' since his twin would just nag him later to do so. --- [center][url=http://tektek.org/av/1451121][img]http://imagizer.imageshack.com/img909/8054/970oZM.png[/img][/url] [b][i]Dog Fuel Run || Truck Characters Interacted: Ash, [/i][/b][/center] Dog nodded in agreement before blinking at the sound of a whistle before picking up a fuel can and following after Kaylah to start getting fuel. As the girl found a blue car, and started to drain whatever fuel was leftover in the tank. The dirty blonde eagerly grabbed their own tube to start collecting while Kaylah rummaged around in the car. As she pulled out a wooden box, Dog curiously tilted his head, his rusty colored eyes staring at it before shrugging. As Ash came up and answered the curious question before asking what they were looking at, Dog shrugged but smiled. [color=coral]"Some sort of wooden box that was in the car here."[/color] Dog replied before frowning as the woman explained what she found. Thinking deeply on the subject, he tried thinking about how his brother would also think of this before Dog nodded slowly. Not really liking how oddly clean this place was. It was almost as bad as finding a place full of fresh blood. [color=coral]"Maybe this is some sort of Safe Zone for a group that lives around here? Or a trap?"[/color] Dog said softly with soft concern.