[img]https://41.media.tumblr.com/343df4821f9ceab78c4efe0231f3dafc/tumblr_mo418ciSd11r1f3lfo7_1280.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Eoan Somacháin [b]Race:[/b] Human / Godly / The Morrígna's Champion [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Personality:[/b] Eoan is stern, serious, and tends to not enjoy himself much. He has a strong sense of purpose, as well as the belief that his actions when it comes to slaying demons is pure. He often thinks that the ends justifies the means, and so long as more lives are saved in the long run, that a few casualties can be accepted on the way. He tends to view those who are violent to those without reason or solely for gain are the worlds truest form of filth, and as such tries his best to cleanse them through death. [b]Description:[/b] Eoan, born and raised in by people of proud heritage, gave him quite the life as a kid. He was spoiled rotten, and it continues to show. However despite the fact he was spoiled, he always felt life was lacking a bit. He was always very active as a kid, and had a great deal of interest in history and the gods, he felt as if they were a form of pre-historic superheroes and loved the tales of them and their champions exploits. Both those old, and modern, fueled him. As he grew up into a teenager, and he grew more calm and he started to develop a hate of those abused their power as keys, especially those who were gifted with traits by the gods. However, this didn't effect him much until he was about seventeen, when he came across a person he couldn't come to instantly hate. A champion of a lesser african war god, who also was a descendant of queen Medb. He was arrogant, rude, and when no one but the victim was looking, violent. Eoan chanced upon this champion beating up some older men, forcing them to give up their most prized possessions on person. Enraged and without thinking twice, Eoan threw a nearby rock at the ground, hitting the boy in the back of the head. This both disorientated him and surprised him. Soon after the rock was thrown, he charged and tackled him. However, a twist of fate occurred, and in a fit of rage he tackled him into a wall, and the boy's neck was snapped when his head ran into a steel beam that was obtruding through a nearby wall, which was under construction. Now, despite being an accident, this caused a few deities to take notice of the human who had slayed one of their champions. Admittedly, he was one of the most weak champions that a god could have, but a champion none-the-less. The first god to notice, and then the one to take action, was Morrígna. A triad of war goddesses. Soon after this happened he was quickly invited to visit the school, and he became a part of it. [b] Abilities :[/b] Due to the nature of his patron god(esses) Eoan doesn't have many weapons or much magic at his disposal. He does however, has three times the strength, speed, and durability of the average war-deity backing him up. Plus most, if not all, of his senses and instincts are enhanced. The only real 'magic' they can give him is increased air-mobility the ability to latch onto even the flattest of walls. [b]Gear:[/b] N/A [i] Hope this is ok, will change anything asap if u got any problems with it [/i]