[u][b]Lucy aka Torch[/b][/u] Lucy was sitting cross legged on her bed, a mess of papers spread out around her and a ball of light helping her to read. She yawned. She'd been up all night reading about her brother. She'd finally gotten an unsavory little rat to find out something about him. He was going by TK now and last anyone knew, he was in Switzerland. That was three months ago. Lucy finally put down the file she had her nose buried in and ran a hand through her messy red hair, something she'd inherited from her mother. She climbed down from the bed and walked out of her room and into the rest of HQ where she found the others, Wonder Girl, Blue Arrow, Casan, Arron and Charlie. She heard Wonder Girl mention something about getting ice cream as a team and she smiled. "Morning everyone. And if ice cream for breakfast is the plan then count me in," she said. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [u][b]John aka TK[/b][/u] John was walking through the streets of Happy Harbor, smirking. He was here on a mission of great personal interest. Destroy Mount Justice and those who resided there. He'd caught wind of the formation of the Young Justice team and decided that it wasn't going to fly for him. He had just begun to plan his way to power when a new team of heroes pops up. Like dealing with the actual Justice League wasn't bad enough now he had to deal with their younger siblings. He grimaced at the thought. But it didn't matter. John was planning on sending a message tonight. Put away the costumes, or die. He however, knew very little about the team. He was aware the alien, Blue Arrow, and Wonder Girl, but other than that, he had no idea who else he would be up against. But John was arrogant and he was confident that they didn't have a weapon they could use against him. He chuckled to himself and continued down the street.