Jacque sat back in his chair and drained the rest of his drink in one go. Everything was ready, his blueprints were loaded, he'd already hacked into the security feed for the bank he was set to hit, and his ride would be showing up any second. As if on cue, a grey volkswagen camper pulled into the parking lot, prompting Jacque to close his laptop, shove everything into his back pack, and walk out of the door. Rather than walking directly towards the van, Jacque kept his head low and walk around the building before crouching behind a trashcan. Once there, he pulled two things from his bag, the first being a simple green baseball cap, and the second being a black silken mask with eyeholes and a golden spiderweb pattern. Jacque donned both of these and made his way back to the van, nodding to the driver who unlocked the door and allowed him inside of the vehicle. Jacque, now Orb Weaver, was greeted by four men in the back of the van, each brandishing either an assault rifle or a shot gun as well as duffel bags. "[color=FFD700][b]Nice to see you boys came prepared.[/b][/color]" Orb Weaver all but purred as he closed the doors behind him and took a seat. The driver turned and looked at the young man expectantly whilst puffing a cigarette, "[b]Yeah, we're prepared, what about you?[/b]" he asked tersely. Orb Weaver recoiled in an exaggerated manner, acting as if the question hurt him, "[color=FFD700][b]If I didn't know better, i'd assume you'd pegged me for an amateur.[/b][/color]". The young villain quickly reached out and snatched the cigarette from the driver's mouth, relishing in the look of surprise he received as he lifted his mask and took a long drag, "[color=FFD700][b]Don't worry about me, i've already covered the essentials. If everything goes according to plan we'll be in and out before any police or supers arrive.[/b][/color]" Orb Weaver explained prior to blowing out a cloud of smoke. Orb Weaver smirked, pulled his mask back down, and placed the cigarette between the driver's lips again. "[color=FFD700][b]I'll have everything you need downloaded to your PDAs before we reach our location. Let's be off then, yes?[/b][/color]". The driver glared at Orb Weaver for a bit, then sighed and pulled out of the parking lot, ready to get the mission done if only to be rid of Orb Weaver.