His ears attentively listening to Joseph's tips, Kenta nodded and made another mental note, requesting for Laquari to remember them as well in case he forgets. With the other boy standing up, Kenta's enthusiasm switched turned on once more and he was feeling pumped like a kid getting ready for the first day of school. Laquari chuckled, [b][i]"It's about time...Can't wait to start killing things."[/i][/b] The tiger said with a lecherous grin on his face. Everything's all set ready but, where do they start? Who would be viable to fight against? Joseph just said that he's not good at picking duels with people, but neither was he! Scratching the back of his head, Kenta and Laquari looked around and survyed the room carefully...Hopefully there's someone that's free for dueling. [i][b]"...Eh...Not good with this thing either."[/b][/i] Kenta gave a slight chuckle as he turned to Joseph with an embarrassed look on his face. [h2][/h2] Running behind the halls were watery eyes, Miwa ran and ran past numerous duelists with their monsters. Who was she kidding? The woman was right, her monster isn't worth anything in this tournament. She could have chosen something more fearsome, something that wasn't a plush toy...Stopping her legs for a moment, Miwa panted and heaved, she certainly ran quite a long mile. Catching her breath, the girl looked up at the ceiling, her eyes still teary, [b][i]"I'm not going to win this thing...I'm so sorry...I've failed you..."[/i][/b] Her head hung low as her self-esteem crumpled like a piece of paper. With her mind not exactly focused on her surroundings, Miwa found herself shrieking when a purple-clothed skeleton appeared beside her. Her back against the wall and not having recovered from the events that took place earlier, Miwa was scared. This skeletal being must be a monster of someone, recognizing the zombie as not just [i]Skull Servant[/i] but as [b]The King![/b] She didn't expect him to have such a...Refined disposition, it must go with being king after all. The king did nothing but console the girl and reassure her. She still had her laments, not fully heeding his words. She bowed to the skeletal king and thanked him, Miwa slowly walked towards the direction where her room was...or at least she thinks it's the right direction. However, she stopped on her tracks when familiar voices were trailing behind her. A sense of relief filled her when she saw Puddingcess as well as Aono. [b][i]"Geez. For someone so fragile, you run fast."[/i][/b] The princess said, her hands on her hips as she scolded Miwa. The girl apologized to the princess, and to Aono too. He mentioned something about taking revenge for what the woman had said to her earlier but she was reluctant...After all, she was right. [b][i]"Listen here, Mistress! I didn't come alive for a big crybaby to treat me as some sort of comfort device. You and I shall be victorious! I assure you, so please wipe those tears away."[/i][/b] Puddingcess said, her voice in a commanding tone. With her composure having finally recovered, Miwa wiped her tears with her hanky and faced Aono. She still had her doubts but he was the closest thing she had to company at this point, [b][i]"Revenge is a strong word...But, I'll be your partner."[/i][/b] The girl gave a faint smile to the boy, hopefully with their combined efforts, they'll beat that woman.