Torrential couldn't help but chuckle at his own forgetfulness; He had forgotten that Star wasn't able to see at the moment. "Sorry, I got ahead of myself a little. And good guess, but no. Water is not the correct answer." Turning his head to gaze into Star's currently compromised gaze, Torrential offered her a soft grin as he explained "Granted water is a vital part of life and it is a lot more powerful then many ponies realize because they are so focused on other things. But the answer to my question was actually 'Words'. To be more precise, 'Written Words'." Turning his attention back to the runes he had written, Torrential explained "The three runes I just drew in the ground have about as much magical energy in them as the castle made out of sand that a young foal created. Yet much like a sand castle with time, patience and a creative mind it is fully possible to craft something utterly awe inspiring that will stay with the viewer for the rest of their lives. They are little more then pictures drawn into the ground and thus can do very little on their own but words can be used to create a story to entertain a child, offer evidence so that the story of history can be told as accurately as possible; even be used to create the dream of an ideal world." "And where would the world be if we didn't have our heroes to look up to and aspire to be? Of villains who performed such infamous deeds that were so dark and foul that parents tell their children about them as a cautionary tale? Of the actions of our ancestors and why we are proud to follow in their footsteps? The right words can ensure that the memory of a pony will endure and be remembered [i]long[/i] after their mortal body has passed from this world for better or worse." There was a pause as Torrential took a moment to take a breath and let his message have a chance to sink in. "On the subject of stories, I should tell you the one behind the runes I drew and why they hold a special place in my heart." Turning his attention back to Star, a playful smirk appeared on his muzzle. "But maybe I should wait for Snow Tail to return with any survivors first. It's an interesting story regardless and I would like her to hear it alongside you. Correct me if I am wrong, but have I seen signs that you care for her much in the same way that I care for the both of you?" It was a slight tease, but a well meaning one.