Well, the main storyline I am worried about is this: The nephew character, who is 21, is going to have been deployed with the navy in a foreign, India-esque place during the Bruge war. It would sort of be like Napoleon's campaign in Egypt (albeit a lot less involved), where they are mainly disrupting enemy trade and strong-arming the natives so that the area is politically and economically aligned with Tirna-Sorset. He would have only been there for a few years at the final stages of the war, but it would be important to his identity. I had been going with the idea that they stayed after the war and, when the rebellion, they were kept out of the loop. So the naval detachment in the south, including the nephew character, wouldn't have known about the rebellion until it was over. People with strong connections to the factions that rebelled, the nephew included in this number, would have been imprisoned and put through a trial process. The nephew and a couple of people who had served in the navy are sent into exile. To fix this to the a unchanged version of the original timeline would require a couple of things that complicate this. For one, the deployed navy being kept out of the loop for a long rebellion would stretch reality. This is annoying, and will open holes one way or another, but that isn't the biggest issue. To make everything work, i'd have to add fifteen years to his age, which not only puts him in a very different time of his life and completely weird out his character, but it also would put him at age with his aunt. This creates a problem, because the personal relationships between the family members are going to be part of the story, and him being at age with his aunt would change things too dramatically (not to mentioned we have to consider when Riordan would have been around to make babies). Which means I would have to age them all up. And that, really, would break everything I was planning on doing. I would need to make new plans by scrapping what I already have. There really isn't much of an argument for keeping the distant time frame. It's unwieldy and spreads recent events out rather thinly across the timeline. If you want some distance, it might be better to have the Bruge war start twenty five years ago and end five years ago. Five years for a rebellion and exile seems reasonable. Anything more... that is RP breaking.