[quote=@Forest Bandit] No problem. I like that last idea very much. There'll be no end of bad blood between our peoples, and it'll add to the fun of trying to establish common ground before the North invades and murders us. I like what you've done with the religious side of things. Man, our people are gonna hate each other from the get go. Also, referring to [i]"if the Dratha did push the Chee northwards, it likely would have been a slow process over many centuries."[/i], this is what I meant. The Dratha are the more "civilised", with permanent settlements and I'm assuming an expanding population, correct? MY peoples by contrast are nomadic, travelling from one area to the next. Their population would be relatively small in comparison, (at the moment I'm predicting around 4 million, which includes children and the infirm.) Naturally, when it came to competition for resources, I imagine the Dratha would have had the upper hand. So over the centuries, the Chee would have gradually moved further north. [/quote] Yes. I imagine the Drathans will think of the Chee (somewhat correctly) as cultureless barbarians, and the Chee will think of the Drathans as cranky, conservative and closeminded bigots (correctly). The Drathans are very very settled and sedentary peoples, but one thing to note is that they are more of a feudal confederation of clan-states than a unitary nation, and inter-clan war is a very common thing in the Consanguinity. I didnt give too much detail on the different clan fathers, but I should add those to the NS. Anyway, all of that is to say there have probably been many times when internal chaos has allowed to the more mobile Chee the upper hand against the Drathans, and different clans/tribes may have formed complex configurations alliances over the years. Anyway, building up that history ICly should be a bunch of fun.