“A pretty name.” She giggled. “Thank you.” Lore could listen to that giggle for eternity. He had to admit she had his attention. He felt nervousness fill him. It was odd he normally didn’t get flustered around pretty mares. “So Mr. Lore what bring you to Equestria?” “Pursuing an old fascination of mine is all.” He then realized it was late as his eyes fell on a nearby clock. Lore stretched his wings of the dull ache they had accumulated. “I’m sorry to cut this short but I need to head back. I have quite the journey ahead of me. I bid oyu goodnight Ms. Mirror.” As he stood up the mare did as well. “Do you mind if I walk out with you?’ She asked her vice captivated him. He found it hard to say no to her. He didn’t want to say no. “Uh sure,” he answered dumbly. A pleasant haze settled in his mind as all he could think about was the sound of this mare’s voice. She was talking about…something as they walked out into the cool night. Glory ran through the streets of the Inner City toward the Stockhoof Academy. She weaved through the crowds with ease, her eye fixed ahead of her. She tore over the marble steps of the main hall. She saw Professor Crypt and rushed toward him. Her heart was thumping in her chest, and not from the physical exertion. “Crypt!” she shouted as she skidded to a halt. “Where’s Lore? This is urgent!” “Umm last we talked he wished to see the Quill Library,” the old stallion said, shocked by her appearance. “What’s happened? Are you alright?” “His life is in danger,” she said in a clipped tone,” Where is this library? Quickly now!” “It’s three blocks from here to the east. Now what’s going-” She turned on her heel. “Thank you.” She galloped away, leaving a bewildered stallion in her wake. The library was an easy find, large with a row of pillars before the double doors. She burst through them, shocking the receptionist behind the book checkout counter. The young mare regained her senses quickly as Glory ran up to the counter. “What’s your rush?!” she said sharply, a disapproving scowl on her features. “Have you seen a white Pegasus stallion?” Glory asked. “Black mane, grey robe.” “Lower your voice!’ the mare hissed. “This is a library. Now why are you running through those doors like a maniac?” Very well then. Glory set her jaw and her features darkened ever further. “White Pegasus, black mane, grey robe,” A length of steel slid form its sheath. “Where is he?” Glory’s tone and the look in her eye promised punishment most cruel if she didn’t get an answer she liked. The young mare shook, her eyes fixed on the blade. She gulped and said,” H-he just l-left with some mare.” She pressed her back to the file cabinets behind her. “P-please don’t hurt me!” All eyes were on the Unicorn, most were wide with shock. Glory sheathed her blade. “Thank you.” She set the small pouch of gems on the counter. “For your troubles.” She left and scanned the streets. She barely caught a Lore walk around a corner down the street. Glory broke into a gallop straight for him. She tore around the corner and…Gone?! Glory’s head whipped around, looking for any trace. She found none. Where the hell was he!? “Nice to meet you.” Glory jumped out of the way just as a pair of hooves clacked down where she had been not a moment before. Cracks appeared in the stone below her. The mare sauntered forward in a sultry manner her eyes closed. Glory drew her sword, the tip pointed at the Pegasus. “Where’s Lore?” she hissed as her horn blazed silver. “Oh the cutie,” she giggled, tilting her head cutely. “He’s safe.” Her eyes opened, red eyes alight with malice. “For now.” The mare was a blue of movement. Glory could barely keep up with the mare, her blade blocking swift strikes. Five spears of light erupted out of the ground. The Pegasus flew back, then flared her wings stopping her momentum. Ponies scattered form the battle, some calling for guards. A rivulet of blood slid down the Pegasus’ check. She licked at the blood and grinned manically. “You killed Twitter didn’t you?” “She died well,” Glory said simply. Her features became neutral. The manic joy was gone replaced by rage. “Screw bringing you back alive!” she screeched and rushed the Unicorn. “I’m bringing M back your head!” Anger was good. Anger made her sloppy, unfocused. Glory felt a similar rage as well for the danger she knew Lore was in but she squashed it with practiced ease. It would cost her. She blocked the strikes with her blade. The enchanted gauntlets the other mare wore made engaging her in a hoof-to-hoof manner impossible. The Pegasus- Mirror, Glory remembered- broke through her guard forcing Glory to disappear in a flash of silver. She appeared at the top of a building. The guards appeared in the street below. This fight needed to take place without interference. Mirror flew up over the building. Glory sent her bade flying after the Pegasus. The mare batted the blade away. Damn. Glory’s eyes narrowed as she jumped away, recalling her sword to her side. The pair regarded each other. Eyes flicking. This mare was good. She had training. Advantage she had was Glory’s inability to see on her right. Glory’s advantage, the mare’s rage. Mobility was a moot point. Glory’s teleportation and the mare’s skill with her wings. Far better than any flying Lore could hope to accomplish. The plan was simple, split the mare’s focus. Again the mare attacked first. Glory waited until the last moment to sidestep. A teleport landed her on the Pegasus’ other side. A spear of light erupted where Glory had been a half a second later. The Pegasus’ impaled a wing on Glory’s blade. The Unicorn’s hoof lashed out, catching the other mare under her wing, right in the bundle off sensitive nerves and muscles that resided there. Mirror’s wings seized up and she fell to the ground. Glory placed the blade above the mare’s jugular. One flicker of magic would open the vein. The Pegasus was breathing heavily. Glory wasn’t even winded. “Where is Lore?” “Fuck you!” the mare hissed from her place on the ground. A spear of light ran her other wing through. To Mirror’s extreme credit she didn’t’ scream from the apparent pain. The wings were rather sensitive. But her face scrunched up in agony. “Where is Lore?” Glory’s voice was even, dull. The Pegasus refused to answer. “If I have to ask one more time I’ll take your wings.” Still no answer but there was fear in her eyes. “Very well.” Glory’s horn glowed brightly as she prepared the spell. “Wait!” Mirror shouted, realizing Glory was not bluffing. “He’s with M. A couple of other ponies took him in a carriage. They’re taking him to the Ugly Duckling.” “Thank you.” Steel opened flesh. The Pegasus pawed at the gushing wound in vain to try and stop the bleeding. Glory sheathed her blade and walked away. A teleport put her below in an alleyway. Now to find this Ugly Duckling.