Bristlebane had been watching the whole thing rather curiously, unfortunately he hadn't been able to pick up anything by watching, just a lot of intense looking concentration. Nevertheless he attempted to do as the Master ordered and put his hands together focusing on the space between it. For several seconds he felt very stupid and then thought about what Anna had done, she had seemed to lose focus on the space and instead concentrated on... nothing really. Bristlebane thought hard on this matter until he noticed a flicker of color at the edge of his vision, but as he turned to look at it he vanished. Cautiously he stared ahead focusing on nothing and the color appeared again. Slowly it stretched until it was clearly visible, now that he could get a good look at he could see it wasn't such much a color as a lack of one. As he looked at the color he slowly seemingly rose out of his body and looked down on it, now he could see the thread of void was emitting from a ball of it at the center of his body. Bristlebane tried to mentally grab it but it simply squirmed away from his invisible grasp, after several more useless swipes at it he decided he would have to change his tactics. With the brow of his mind furrowed in concentration he made a cage out of that invisible force he seemed to be able to control and wrapped it around the sphere. When he tried to jerk the cage forward he felt a sudden pulling sensation in his chest and he had to gasp for air and a glacial chill swept through his body forcing him to the ground and causing small flakes of frost to appear on his arms as he quickly put it back. Panting heavily and terrified of what he had just done Bristlebane considered the problem more carefully. Scared of the orb within himself he decided to make a more cautious attempt, although at this point he regarded touching the orb at all as risky. He made the cage again but this time wrapped bars around about a quarter of the sphere, as it moved away he once again felt the sudden chill rip through his body but it wasn't nearly as bad this time. Bristlebane dragged the cage between his hands and focusing on turning it into what he wanted. The tiny pebble sized ball of magic briefly formed into a small absence of color visible to the physical realm before vibrating uncontrollable and broke apart the energy smashing into his hands and leaving little burn marks. Bristlebane collapsed to the ground breathing heavily, his entire body shaking, and mentally cursing himself, he had barely done anything and he was already practically out of energy, at least he had learned how to look at his... magic would be the name for it. Taking a brief glance as he did he saw the orb hadn't regained the part of it that he had spent but as he looked a spindly thread of void wrapped itself around the sphere and it grew infinitesimally bigger. It seemed that this whole magic thing would be a whole lot hard than he thought it would be. "I'm sorry." he manged to get out, "I almost had it." he said his voice showing his utter disappointment in his inability to control it. Everything else had ever learned in life had come to him naturally with little to no effort, he wasn't prepared for this strange new experience