[center][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/OUAT%20RP%20-%20Vicier/Scar%20Lionhart_zpse4ng34c0_1.jpg[/img][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/OUAT%20RP%20-%20Vicier/Dominic%20Greyjoy_zps4btu2mcq.jpg[/img][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/OUAT%20RP%20-%20Vicier/Odette%20Swan_zpsrvddymiv_1.jpg[/img][img]http://i1120.photobucket.com/albums/l498/wolflover114/63ad9684-2ebc-4b4b-965d-65a996bff924.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h1][color=DarkOrange]Scar Lionhart[/color], [color=OliveDrab]Dominic Greyjoy[/color], [color=MistyRose]Odette Swan[/color] and [color=maroon]Esmeralda Lovel[/color] - Present Day - The Pride Lands[/h1][/center] Esmeralda was covered in a thin layer of sweat as she stood at the front of the dancing women. They had been working for what felt like several hours, she wouldn't be surprised if they had been. The guards who had brought her back to the room had all but thrown her into the practice space and informed all the girls that Esmeralda was to teach them before telling her to get to work. Although the women had seemed intriguied in what she was going to teach them, they seemed to be a little uneasy around her. Unease was not something that was foreign to Esmeralda when she was around people. The Romani were outcasts in France and most anywhere else in the world. Few people wished to spend long lengths of time around them unless they were providing some kind of entertainment. However, Esmeralda was quite sure that it wasn't just her upbringings that was putting the women on edge. Since Esmeralda had arrived here she had been whipped twice and returned from being dragging out of the room with stains from tears on her cheeks and an empty look in her eye. That was enough to put anyone on the edge. They had not been taught any dances, as Esmeralda always felt that it was easier for people learning to have their own fun putting dances together. That way if they felt like they were getting lost in the new movements, they were free to add in their own. As she worked with them, her biggest fear was Scar's expectations... She could only teach the girls so much and no matter how much she taught them, some people just didn't pick certain things up... She didn't even know if these women would be able to dance for the King in a way that he would deem worth not killing more of her people. However, with that in the back of her mind as she work with the women, she made certain to catch any mistakes that were being made and tried to teach them moves that were more simple. She assumed that her work as their teacher would not end after tonight. She would teach them moves that were more difficult when they had more time and were getting grips on what she had already given them. She was in the midst of singing a French song for the girls to dance to when guards walked in again. She immediately stopped and looked at them. They looked over the thirteen women that stood before them, "You're dancing. Now." The other women seemed excited, happy to show off what they had learnt to Scar and quickly followed the men. Esmeralda was less enthusiastic to returned to stand in front of the man, who had been cruel to her each time he stood before her, and decided to take up the rear of the line. When the reached the room the women spread out but kept mainly to the order of their line, those who were at the front were closest to Scar and... A swan..... Which left Esmeralda to be, comfortably, the farthest away from the man. After being blown off by Maleficent, Scar spent a good majority of time in the mirror room trying to quell his anger before he did (or turned into something) that he would regret. What on Mother Earth was Scar supposed to do with a swan for the next sun cycle? His guards already thought him insane, and though he didn't much care for what others thought about him on the normal occurance, when it came to his reputation of a hardened brute of a man reduced to snuggles from a docile, pure creature that was a swan... [i]that[/i] was when he decided to care. Pinching the bridge of his nose with his fingertips, one arm still crossed over his chest, he tried to think. What else did he have going on today that would keep him from just keeping Odette in the sitting room until he could ensure the grotto was ready for her to stay in? Racking his brain, he could only think of the one thing he had already set up; the Gypsy girl was to dance for him at dinner that evening. This wouldn't be a... [i]terrible[/i] opportunity. If Odette was to stay here (how long she was planning on staying would be something he would think about at a later time), she might as well get to know the castle and those within it. Making up his mind before he could change it, Scar descended back down the spiral stone stair case and joined up with Odette in the sitting room once more. Reaching her neck out she let her beak brush against the grapes that were laying on the platter that had been placed onto the floor for her to get to easier than if it were on a table looking them over for a few moments before she began to peck at them the juice rolling down her beak and into her feathers staining them a purple red in colour, closing her eyes she shook her head trying to get as much juice off of herself as she could before she completely gave up turning away from the food her wings flapping lifting her back up onto the settee so that she could continue to wait passing the time by burying her body in amonst comfort of the cushions. Lifting her head up out of the pile of cushions as the door opened she turned her gaze over to see who had joined her in the room her light blue orbs catching on Scar's figure causing her to tilt her head as he motioned for her to follow along behind him, lifting herself from her comfortable perch she jumped down from the settee her feet working quickly to follow him out of the room and back into the hall wandering along behind him as he led the way through the castle to the great hall her body tensing and lowering against the ground bringing her wings in tightly to her body as he reached down picking her up in his arms. Briefly, he had the swan follow him to The Great Hall where a feast was already laid out for him. Picking the swan up and ensuring that she was able to fold in her wings gently, he carried her up the stone steps to the main table that oversaw the entire room and set her on a cushioned chair to the right of his throne before he himself sat down. No sooner than Scar had situated himself in his seat did the doors open once again, a line of thirteen different dancing girls entering in a single file and the Gypsy girl, as Scar had been able to pick out almost immediately from the bandages that she still wore underneath her blue top, brought up the rear. Something of a grimace came over Scar's features then, the bandages from her earlier beatings were throwing the whole thing off. His dancers were to be perfect; flawless in every way... he hadn't exactly thought about that when he had hailed the whip down into her flesh. He felt his leg muscles twitching, getting ready for him to stand and call the entire thing off but just as soon as he did, a thought crossed his mind. Maleficent owed him a favor for putting him off for a day... it wouldn't be at all beyond the witch's power to heal the wounds with a wave of a hand, leaving her unscarred and just as perfect as she was when she was first brought before him. Relaxing his leg muscles back down, Scar remained seated, snapping his fingers to have the nearby female servants start to fill up his plate. "Something vegetarian for the swan." Scar muttered to one of them, keeping his voice low as to not be overheard by the others on the ground floor in which he could feel their odd stares baring into him. [i]It's just for one day...[/i] Scar kept telling himself. [i]Just for one, bloody day...[/i] Relaxing her body once she realized what he was doing she once more extened her neck looking around curiously at everything that was going on in the room around them, men and women moving about quickly bringing out food and drink that she had never seen before let alone tasted before causing her interest and curiosity to increase bubbling away within her as she craned her neck trying to get a better look as he carried her past them all and up the stairs until they came to a large table her gaze turning to follow him as he laid her down on the chair before dropping down into his own his attention called to the center of the room as more people began to file in lining up and presenting themselves to them though why they were doing such things was beyond her knowledge. Following his gaze she let her eyes wander slowly over the thirteen women standing before them all with smiles on their faces and looking excited except for the singular woman standing on the far end looking at them with confusion and what looked like the hope that she wouldn't be noticed at all. Her head turned back to gaze upon his figure once more as she heard him snap his fingers the loud sound startling her back to attention the thought of the many women disappearing from her mind as she watched him lower his gaze muttering to one of the woman who had started to fill his plate with the strange foods that graced the long tables around the room, letting her gaze drop from his as the same woman began to fill her own plate with everything that wasn't meat she curled up on the cushion her neck lowering until she was able to let her head rest softly against the place she was seated. Turning his attention back to Odette, having to lower his gaze more than he had initially thought as he found her curled up onto the cushion (from fright or fatigue he wasn't sure), Scar moved his hand to run his fingers down the fine feathers of her back in a single gentle stroke, having taking note that she wasn't eating. "Your... uh, friend... the gangly one..." Scar paused to clear his throat for a moment, unsure of what he was saying until it had already passed through his lips. "Would you at least [i]try[/i] to eat something if... I let him inside?" He asked, the last four words being forced out of his mouth between clenched teeth as if it pained him to do so. Turning her head on the cushion so that her cheek was resting against it she opened her light blue eyes slowly letting them flick back up his figure to catch on his own as he began to speak to her asking her if she would consider eating if Dominic was allowed into the castle, lowering her eyes from his she thought back to him waiting outside the castle for her to return back to him... That's if he was still outside the castle waiting for her to return to him in the fist place. Turning her head back away from him she let her eyes wander back over to the thirteen women in front of them her light blue orbs watching them from under the table her wings shifting slightly as she tried to get her body comfortable, the woman moving away once she had filled the swans plate completely with salads and fruits. Esmeralda watched as the other women in front of her took some sort of sultry pose for their King as he seemed distracted. He was talking... To the swan... She watched on a little as he pet the creature with a tenderness that she hadn't even been sure he was capable of. She supposed it was good to know that he only abused humans... Music began and pulled her attention away from the strange scene to look at the musicians she hadn't noticed before. Music was something of her past... She hadn't danced to someone playing music since she was a child and still lived with the Lovel's... Her family. Noticing that the other girls were dancing, Esmeralda joined in. It was strange dancing again with this many bodies and moving to music that she didn't know. She smiled as she moved around the room, taking advantage of her [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/35/ec/8b/35ec8b20e89898f9f703d8a75dfc0ba4.jpg]revealing costume[/url] to bring her stomach into her movements in ways she had been unable to before due to her own clothing. She still refused to look at anyone else in the room though. Anyone who was enjoying the movements of the thirteen captive women. She only caught glances of the women and could see them doing their best to involve her teachings into their dancing. She grabbed hold of her skirts and start to spin moving them this way and that. Despite her resolve to not look at anyone, she found her eyes falling upon the swan every now and again. Why was it that this swan was getting fed better than most other people that lived within Scar's kingdom? Although she had not lived in the Pride Lands before she was captured the names of those who ruled other lands travelled quickly as well as their, often, less than kind treatment of their people. She pulled her eyes away as the music changed and changed her steps seemlessly to match it. What was so special about the swan? Scar hadn't even so much as glanced up at the dancers since their entrance, instead his attention was solely on the swan sitting at his side, his hand running down her back again in a soothing gesture. Not sure how to take her silence, or even lack of some sort of confirmation as to what she wanted, Scar exhaled sharply through his nose and stood up from the table. Resting one palm on the edge of the table, leaning his body forward he caught the attention of the doorman guard with a snap of his fingers followed by waving his hand for the man to approach. Abandoning his post, the leather-clad soldier approached the table, stopping at the ledge to look up at Scar having not been given permission to climb the stairs and awaited orders, standing stock still with perfect posture. "There was a man outside the castle earlier, an outsider. Find him, bring him inside, and get him something to eat but do not speak to him, or allow him to speak to you. Understood?" The soldier quickly bowed to his king at the waist and hurried back through The Great Hall and through the doors, only when they shut behind him did Scar sit back down, returning his attention to Odette once more. "[i]Now[/i] will you eat [i]something[/i]?" He asked, sounding a bit more perplexed than he had intended. *~*~* Evening had just started to fall as the guard left the imposing walls of the castle, out into the dry grasslands of the Pride Lands. Despite it turning to dusk, the air was still hot and uncomfortably sticky, various mosquitos and other irritating insects flying about, searching for a meal. Lounging atop a large rock only a few hundred yards away from the castle itself was Dominic, who was reading from a small, slightly tattered book in his hand, entitled [i]'The Great Gatsby'[/i] (A souvenier he brought back from Earth during his last visit) The guard, a tall, well-built man with light brown skin ignored the urge to place a hand on his sword hilt as he approached Dominic, the latter raising his eyebrow as the guard approached but otherwise not looking up from his book. "Come to try and shackle me again?" Dominic asked dryly, though there was an edge of bitterness to his tone. The guard, true to his orders, remained silent, simply motioning towards the castle and nodding his head sharply. Dominic closed the book, returning it to his slightly tattered frock coat as he stood up from the rock, dusting himself off. "Muzzled, eh? I won't taunt you for it...know you have my sympathy." Dominic commented in a sincere tone before following behind the guard, remaining silent, if only out of respect for the guard's practically enslaved condition. Entering the Great Hall, Dominic, despite being rather shoddy in dress and marred by a rather ugly bruise on his cheek, nevertheless stood tall and proud; giving off an air of elegance that could only be a sign of prior wealth and nobility. His eyes quickly danced across the room, taking account of almost everyone there: guards, dancers, various servants, the king himself, and Odette. Fixing his steely gaze on Scar for longer than a moment, Dominic let himself be led to a seat, where he was promptly served on Scar's wishes. He upheld every courtesy taught to him, thanking his servers politely and smiling quite friendly. If one didn't know any better, they'd have thought he was some sort of political ally, cordially invited. Closing her eyes she relaxed her body over the cushion the gentle repetitive motion of Scar's hand brushing back over the length of her body smoothing out her feathers calming her down though in her mind she knew that he was still mad at her, it had been made clear by both his words and his actions so far that even though he had admitted that he missed her he was also angry that she had come and put them all in danger... And that he was ashamed to be seen with her. That much was obvious. Lifting her head up slightly as she felt his hand slip from her she turned her head watching him curiously as he stood up motioning for one of the many guards he had stationed around to approach where they stood their conversation brief but he had not bothered to hide it in any way allowing her to listen to everything that he was saying as he gave his permission for Dominic to come and join them for the banquet that was being hosted, bringing her head up a little more so that she was now able to see over the top of the table she watched the soldier leave her attention turning over to Scar as he asked of her the same question he had a few minutes before. Turning her gaze away from him and back to the plate in front of her the large piles of fruit and vegetables almost double if not triple what she would normally eat and consisting of most foods that she hadn't even seen before, pushing herself back onto her feet she took a couple of steps forward so that she could sit up and still reach what was in front of her with ease as she extended her neck her beak brushing against the food offered to her hoping that it would make him happy enough that he would stop worrying about her every second minute. Lifting her head up as she heard a familiar voice entering the hall she searched around her eyes finally coming to a rest on Dominic's figure as he sat down thanking those around him who were giving him food and drink, shifting in her place she forced herself to turn back to her food very slowly making her way through the meal in front of her as she made sure to resist the urge to fly over or call out to him in any way. When Scar stood suddenly, it caught Esmeralda's attention causing her eyes to land on the man he had called to the front before she allowed them to follow the man out of the room. She supposed that that was a downfall to being so far away from the King... She had no clue on what he had said to the man. He had not been paying any attention to the dancers yet for what she saw he was too entranced by his bird friend. She rose her hands above her head and started to move her hips in large motions to fit the slower tempo of the music. That man had nothing to do with Scar's discontent with her.... But what on Earth had Scar sent him to do? A few minutes later the doors opened again. Esmeralda turned around and danced with her back to the group to see who it was. A scruffy man with a cold look in his eyes entered. She followed his gaze to see it land upon Scar. She pursed her lips a little, it was nice to see that he hadn't scared everyone into submission. She winced a little, she was one of those people though... She was just as scared as everyone else. She turned back around to see Scar speaking to the swan and was slightly curious as to how he rose to power if he was this crazy to be talking to a bird as though it were a person. No, he was not as kind to people. Black eyes flicking back over to the door as it opened, they settled on Dominic as he was seated. One word from the guard to the servants and they were showing him every bit of courtesy as though he were a renowed guest... some even seemed to [i]enjoy[/i] his company as they served him his meal and refilled his drink. Staying his breathing, Scar turned his attention back to Odette, trying to convey that he wasn't at all put off by the man but the firm grip on his goblet said otherwise, his ears only faintly picking up on the sound of music playing across the room by his own request. Buying himself time to sate his slight uprise in anger, Scar took a drink of the wine and set it back down, half-empty. "There, you see? He's fine." Scar said using his hand to gesture towards Dominic's direction, keeping his eye on her as she poked at the food in front of her with her beak, unsatesfied with her effort until he actually saw her swallow something. Visibly relaxing in his throne, Scar lifted his eyes up to the scene before him, taking an interest for the first time in the dancing girls. His eyes connected with the Gypsy girl for half a moment, nodding slightly to her and motioned with his arm for her and the others to continue. "After you've eaten, I've a place for you to rest up for the night. Clean up those feathers. A secluded area where no one but me can bother you." He stated to Odette, though keeping his eyes out in front. "I'll... see about doing [i]something[/i] for your friend... I suppose..." Enjoying his meal, Dominic nonetheless kept himself on alert, marking any exits or guards in the room just in case something were to happen. His eyes scanned across the room once more, getting a closer look at Odette now that he had the chance. Were her feathers....red? Fearing the worst, Dominic's eyes narrowed sharply, but softened as he tried mouthing, "Are you okay?" the next chance she looked at him. Closing her light blue eyes she continued to try and eat as much as the food that had been provided to her she listened to his words in regards to Dominic and how he was fine even during the time that he had kept the two of them apart from one another, opening her eyes just in time to catch his body relaxing out of the corner of them she slowed her pace taking her meal at a much slower pace now that he had realized she was indeed eating what he had given her. Lifting her head up from the plate all together she turned her head to look over him letting his instructions about where she was going to be staying the idea of being able to clean her feathers of the dust and grape juice she had managed to get over her something she enjoyed thinking about, she hadn't realized that her journey was going to cause her to become so unclean and with the amount of lakes and ponds growing lower in numbers the further they traveled cleaning herself wasn't something that was able to be done as much. Turning her head around so that her gaze was resting on Dominic she ignored Scar's words altogether letting them fall on deaf ears as she instead focused on what Dom was trying to get through to her, catching on to what she was being asked she nodded her head the action probably being taken as a response to Scar's statement though she was answering the question letting Dominic know that she was indeed okay. Esmeralda's eyes passed over Scar for a moment when she saw him, for the first time since they began, look away from the bird and to the dancers before him. His eyes met her's and for a moment, she was terrified as she looked back at him. However, that fear dissipated when he nodded his head and motioned for them to continue. She looked away from him after that, not wishing to look on him for longer than she felt necessary. It was nice though. To know that she had at least pleased him enough that he would not hunt and kill anymore Romani in front of her... for now. She felt a small sting in her eyes as her mind travelled back to the little boy, looking up at her, lifeless. Her movements faltered just for a moment before she caught herself and kept going. She could cry again tonight when it was safe... It was not safe in front of the beast that sat at the head table. She took a deep breath and search for the relief and happiness she had felt just a moment ago and brought back into her dancing. As the music picked up, she allowed herself to jump and spin and at times, weave through the other dancers. Dominic hardly spoke to anyone during the dancer's performance, choosing instead to simply enjoy the provided meal and keep his eyes alert. Though his head was turned in the direction of the dancers, he merely looked through them. Base entertainment for arousal, yes, but Dominic knew most, if not all these women were practically imprisoned in the castle. In fact, he could have sworn he saw bloodied bandages on the back of one of the girls. Shaking his head in disgust, Dominic resisted the urge to speak up, knowing such a motion would end up with his head on a silver platter for the king to decorate his table with. Letting out a heavy sigh, Dominic was about to get back to his own food when he felt a displeasurable tingling sensation in his head. He couldn't place [i]where[/i] it came from, or what it was...but it grew stronger, louder. His mouth twitching slightly, Dominic winced as the feeling became nearly unbearable...then his perception changed. Instead of sitting in the Throne Room of Scar's castle, Dominic was standing on a long beach, the entire world around him seeming hazy...surreal. Though the beach stretched as far as the eyes could see, a thick cloud of mist and fog surrounded him entirely, entrapping him on the shoreline. The sky was a cloudy gray, as though a thunderstorm were about to occur, though there were no other signs such as thunder, lightning, or even the tiniest bit of rain. The only sounds around him were the waves rolling and crashing, nothing more...emptiness. Looking around curiously, Dominic felt himself slowly but surely becoming more agitated and nervous when a second voice spoke up, almost echoing in tone. [i]"I apologize for the intrusion, Dominic."[/i] Stepping out of the thick cloud of fog was the Sorcerer, looking like some sort of phantom in his long black coat, his veiled hood giving the impression that there was naught underneath it. Dominic instantly bowed low, apparently out of a sign of respect. "Master Yen Sid...I didn't expect you so soon." He excused himself slightly nervously. [i]"Very few do."[/i] The Sorcerer replied, amusement prevalent in his voice as he spoke. [i]"I'm afraid our plans are accelerating faster than I had predicted. It is time for you to return to Earth."[/i] He added in a more serious manner. Before Dominic had time to object, the Sorcerer continued, [i]"Make your goodbyes, but quickly. I would like to speak more to you in-person."[/i] With that statement now made, the beach and the Sorcerer faded from view, leaving Dominic back in the Dining Hall, looking to others as though he had just undergone some sort of epiphany. Looking to Odette once again, Dominic abruptly rose from his seat. "I'm so sorry, Odette, but...I must leave. I am being summoned." He said vaguely with the slightest hint of a smile. "I'll be back soon, don't worry!" With that, Dominic quickly disappeared in an almost blinding flash of light, as though a mini sun had burst within the Dining Hall; with no sign of the man left behind as the light dissipated. Turning her attention back to Scar she extended her neck as far as she could pressing it against the table in a motion that pointed her beak towards the water jug her wings parting from her body slightly as she ruffled her feathers trying to get his attention so he knew what she needed, the sudden sound of her name being called out causing her to sit up quickly her gaze turning back to Dominic as he turned to her explaining that he had to leave and apologizing for having to do so, /"W-What? But-... But Dominic..."/ Stumbling on the cushion slightly as she tried to move enough to jump off to go see him but before she had the chance a blinding flash of light forced her to shut them tightly her head turning away so that she didn't have to see it, quickly turning her head back around her eyes flicked about searching for Dominic's figure in the crowd, /"..Dominic..?"/ Esmeralda moved through the women, although staying closer to the back, as she danced when she suddenly heard the commotion of someone standing up very quickly. She stopped her dancing and turned slightly, her arms floating down from above her head, to look at the scruffy man from before standing and talking very quickly. He apologized for something... Although, not to the King... but to an Odette. Her eyes drifted over to the swan, was he also talking to the bird? Had everyone in this palace gone mad? He told the bird not to worry and then Esmeralda was being blinded. She rose her arms again to shield her eyes and turned her head away from the beam and by the time the spots had disappeared from her eyes, the man was gone. She resisted every urge in her body to run over to the table and look around. She had always been intrigued by the other world of magic. Gypsy magic was not the same as this was. Her magic often dealt within the body and knowing how it worked. It used oils and crystals to heal. When things effected other people it would often come back and effect you. Revenge spells were often met with Karma and love spells rarely went the right way. This magic was different though... People could make things out of nothing... They could disappear without a trance in a way that Gypsy magic did not allow. It took her a moment to realize that she was standing still among the dancers who had quickly gone back to dancing after the mayhem. However, it was clear to see their eyes going back to the spot where the man once stood. Esmeralda did not start dancing again... Scar had seemed angry since the moment they walked into the room, similar tenseness that he had been before her earlier that day... When he had her first whipped. A sudden curiosity about the state of his chakras washed over her before she pushed it aside and looked at the King. She felt as though Scar may be done for the day... She didn't wish to risk it though, making small movements as she kept her eyes, for the first time as she danced, on the King not wanting to be surprised if he became outraged.... Distracted for a fraction of a moment by Odette's movements towards the water jugs, he had to hold his tongue to keep from lashing out at the servants for forgetting something so obvious as to water. Throwing down the roll he had just picked up with every intention of eating, letting his servants know that he was annoyed with them, Scar stood to retrieve one of the water jugs. The very moment his fingers touched the cool metal of the pitcher, something happened... someone spoke... His black eyes darted over to Dominic, finding him standing and addressing the court as though he owned the place and though Scar completely missed everything that the man had said, it hardly mattered. A rule had been broken, and knowledged with how things worked in The Pride Lands or not, the loathsome little parasite was going to be punished accordingly... Lifting his fingers to snap them together so that his guards were alerted, the fingers barely so much as touched together before there was a sudden flash of white light. Immediately Scar retreated back and stooped himself down, putting a protective arm in front of the swan while he forced his eyes (though wide in shock) to remain open and search out the visitor who he was sure had caused this. Magic was not allowed in The Pride Lands, Scar had made sure that was clear when he had his brother's Shaman, Rafiki, tied to a stake for the birds and predators to have their way with the old man's husk of a corpse and left to die a slow, painful death. Furrowing his brows, Scar chanced a look back at Odette to ensure that she was okay as soon as the bright flash subsided. Turning back to look where Dominic had been, Scar slowly stood to find the area completely empty of the man and with his surprise, issued out a frustrated shout that had the entire room practically vibrating with it. He practically flew off of the handle then, jumping down to the main floor and grabbing the nearest guard by the collar of his leather half-tunic and throwing him halfway across the room, shouting so loudly it was hard to understand what he was saying, though the basic point of 'find him' had been addressed both loudly and somewhat clearly. He didn't have to say it, but it was also clear, the feast had come to an end.