@Narayan, such modesty is completely unnecessary. And I mean that--a person named Stella once tried to apply, then did what can only be described as a self-pity tantrum after I gave her sheet some criticism. Don't give a proverbial rat's ass about if your work makes someone comfortable; just keep around, keep improving, and everything will be fabulous. @Tear, in the interests of moving things forward, I'm authorizing you to make the recommended edits to your collab and post it. The main problem, and the only one that certain needs addressing, is that of a certain musical number. @Loki and Agent, I did indeed find all those separators hazardous to the flow and continuity of the piece. While not necessarily bad, you might ask me for feedback next time, as most of the other pairs did. [h3]@Everyone[/h3] Several positions aim to be filled in Beacon's staff, and many of the older sheets need to be updated for phased out. For instance, I could modify Algernon's sheet, but someone with a better idea for an awesome math teacher could post theirs and harmlessly usurp the position. Basically, now is the time to make teacher sheets and volunteer to play those teachers. Please! Vent some ideas! Additionally, I am now putting in place a drop-dead-date, or 'D3'. Two days from now, on Sunday night, we're moving on. The collabs, finished or not, are consolidated, and we're heading to the next class. Since writing about history and math is fairly boring, I'll gloss over those, and we'll have lunch, and directly after that, two more periods that can be Grimm Studies, Practice, Survival, or Armory, and after that, a final period of psychology. Hell, I'll just put up the schedule on the OP. Make it a lot easier. Anyway, I'll want your collective opinion in deciding the schedule, so make some noise for me, okay? Confer with your team each day for which class you'll want to be in, for the choices. For instance, if the rest of SASG and I agreed, we could take Grimm studies one day, and Armory the next. The choices will allow us to split into smaller groups for more interaction in select classes.