Feel free to use this for your Character Sheets. Name: Akira Mikado Appearance: [hider=Check it out!] [url]http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/7bb0f258a076ff8496f3950cafa83593/http://i332.photobucket.com/albums/m340/Saddie_chan1/sho6kn.jpg[/url] [/hider] Age: 20 Gender: Male Signer Mark: Foot of the Dragon [img]http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110108090648/yugioh/images/f/fd/Mark_of_the_Dragon_-_Foot.jpg[/img] Deck Archetype: Elemental HEROs Brief History: Akira comes from a family of duelists. While not well known, his family did have a small following and his father even taught at Duel Academy for a short few years. Akira went to Duel Academy just a few years after and wound up in the Ra Yellow Dorm, much to his disappointment. His father only said one thing to him after hearing the news. "Show your inner HERO". Akira took that as his motto and vowed to do just that. [hider=Deck List] Monsters: Elemental HERO Avian x2 Elemental HERO Burstinatrix x1 Elemental HERO Sparkman x2 Elemental HERO Clayman x2 Elemental HERO Neos x1 Elemental HERO Bladeedge x1 Elemental HERO Necroshade x1 Elemental HERO Heat x1 Elemental HERO Lady Heat x1 Elemental HERO Wildheart x1 Elemental HERO Ocean x1 Elemental HERO Woodsman x1 Elemental HERO Voltic x1 Elemental HERO Bubbleman x1 Wroughtweiler x1 HERO Synchron* x2 Spells: H-Heated Heart x1 E-Emergency Call x1 R-Righteous Justice x1 O-Oversoul x1 Fifth Hope x1 Hero Heart x1 Miracle Fusion x2 A Hero Lives x1 Skyscraper x1 Skyscraper 2: Hero City x1 Polymerization x2 Fusion Recovery x1 Magical Stone Excavation x1 Traps: Hero Signal x2 Hero Blast x1 Mirror Gate x1 Hero Spirit x1 Hero Barrier x2 A Hero Emerges x2 Draining Shield x1 Mirror Force x1 Confusion Chaff x1 Final Fusion x1 Hero Medal x1 Scrap-Iron Scarecrow x1 Extra Deck: Elemental HERO Great Tornado Elemental HERO Thunder Giant Elemental HERO Flame Wingman Elemental HERO Shining Flare Wingman Elemental HERO Rampart Blaster Elemental HERO Darkbright Elemental HERO Necroid Shaman Elemental HERO Steam Healer Elemental HERO Wild Wingman Elemental HERO Inferno Elemental HERO Wildedge Elemental HERO Nova Master Elemental HERO The Shining Elemental HERO Terra Firma Dragon HERO Elementrix*[/hider] [hider=Created Cards] HERO Synchron Attribute: Earth Type: Warrior/Tuner/Effect Level: 3 Image: Small boy wearing a Towel for a cape and a cloth mask. Effect: If this monster is used in the fusion summon of an "Elemental HERO" monster, When fusion monster is destroyed by your opponents card (by battle or card effect), Special summon 1 HERO Synchron from your hand deck or graveyard. No monsters can be special summoned the turn HERO Synchron is special summoned in this way. ATK/DEF: 1000/300 Dragon HERO Elementrix Attribute: Light Type: Dragon/Synchro/Effect Level: 7 Image: A white dragon with red and gold stripe-like designs along its body. Its massive wings make up a good portion of the image. Effect: HERO Synchron + 1 or more non-Tuner "Elemental HERO" monsters. This card gains 300 ATK for every "Elemental HERO" in your graveyard. Also you can remove from play one "Elemental HERO" monster in your graveyard to special summon an "Elemental HERO" monster from your deck whose Attribute is the same as the removed monster, When this card is removed from the field shuffle all removed from play cards into your deck. ATK/DEF: 2500/2000[/hider]