As 9:30pm rolled around Dante was still in the depths of the manor in a dark room he designated for his opium den. His eyes were dilated and blood shot and his mind was flooded with all of the yummy chemicals he so desperately sought out. A stash box sat next to him as he lounged in a bean bag chair, or was it truly a cloud on which he floated?, and in it were needles and pipes and pills and herbs and powder. Everything, but not enough. His brothers and sisters (whichever physical form they chose to inhabit anyway, genders meant little to them) regarded him distastefully. [i]They tell the Dark Lord that I don't deserve this anymore, that I take no pleasure in corrupting souls,[/i] he thought to himself. [b]Don't listen to them! They don't understand you like we do![/b] A water pipe which was propped against the wall sang to him. He chuckled at that, before he received word that he needed to get ready, the Guests of Honor would arrive soon. Dante found himself standing, and couldn't remember how he'd gotten to his feet. He moved from the dark room into the brightly lit hallway, the light piercing his eyes like a hot knife. He grabbed his head, but proceeded to make his way from the den to his private room and the journey seemed to be longer than the trek down a hall and up a short flight of stairs. Dante felt as though his footsteps carried him through the fabrics of time and space itself. Which incidentally, was his least favorite trip. Finally, he was in his shower- the cold water helping to clear his mind. He let the water pool in his hands as he splashed his face, savoring the sensation the chill produced through his body. He chose a typical black tuxedo and drab black mask. He cared little for fashion, or style. That was up to his siblings. He made his way through the manor, and the sounds of delighted chatter and upbeat music was already filling up the grandiose entrance and main floor. A butler fluttered past him with a tray filled with champagne, which Dante promptly lifted the entire tray and made his way to the table filled with sweets. He set the plate down in front of him, and reached into his pocket for a few hits of ex that were loosely floating around. He ate them and promptly chased them with an entire flute of champagne. And then another. No time at all had passed before the drugs kicked in and colors and sounds were amplified. He felt a wave roll over him of pure euphoria, and a smile involuntarily came to his lips. [i]It is true I take no pleasure in corrupting souls. These souls were already miserable, damnable and cursed. It is my siblings that did not know pleasure, they did not know euphoria. It was not hard work to share a needle or a line with some fool or another and get him to sign his soul over for some more,[/i] [b]Yes! Yes![/b] some delectable cupcake before him agreed fervently. The cupcake slowly peeled off it's wrapper and danced around. A few other deserts began joining it in its dance. [b]It is you who appreciates pleasure. Why work hard to corrupt these worthless mortals when you can enjoy yourself and they will take care of the rest?[/b] They all sang. A stupid grin spread on his face as he watched the deserts dance and twirl before him. Beckoning him to enjoy them too. Right? Why work hard? Oh. Now he was beginning to sound like Sloth. Some Damned Spirit was watching him with a mixture of fear and confusion. He realized he'd been talking aloud to the sweets. No one could see his hallucinations. He cut his eyes at the Spirit and gave a low snarl. "Enjoying the view, you worthless rat?" He asked venomously. He finished the flute of champagne and piled the pastries on the tray he had just emptied. "Keep looking and you'll end back up in the pits of Hell quicker than you'd hoped. Now, go do you're fucking job and make us look good will you?" He almost chucked the wrapper-less muffin at the soul, but what a waste of perfectly fine sugar that would have been. Instead he gave the Spirit one last cutting look before wandering off with his tray of goodies, in search of a dark corner in which to indulge and seek out whichever foolish mortal he wast tasked with damning to an eternity in fire and brimstone and blah blah blah... The greater tragedy is that they will be deprived of all their goodies. [i]These wasteful, stupid, stupid humans. They don't appreciate excess like I do. They will starve themselves for beauty and sacrifice all of these delicious morsels. The only thing they craved in excess was money, and that was folly and Greed's territory.[/i] But even so, Dante knew better. Greed was just a specific category of Gluttony. Gluttony was where the other Sins were derived from, in Dante's opinion. [i]And still they dare to mock me![/i] he glowered and began shoveling the sweets into his mouth indiscriminately. [b]Fret not! They will see the truth soon enough! When you take your Sin unto the Dark Lord before all of them, and when he acknowledges your superiority they will have no choice but to concede their inferiority to you![/b] Some desert reassured him before being consumed for the greater good. He smiled again. This was true, his hallucinations never lied to him. They always showed him the way, he would corrupt more souls than the others. He would- because that is what Gluttony was good for wasn't it? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Roxie was clad in a tight corset that showed off her tiny waist, and black tight leather pants tucked into thigh-high black stiletto boots. Her outfit hugged her every curve like a second skin and left very little to the imagination. She wore a cat mask that glittered in the light and seemed made for her face alone. She felt wrapped in the aura of sexuality she so often donned in life, and she lavished in it. To be among the living again! Much has changed since her damnation, and still not much at all was different! She spent time with Spirits old and older still and none had been offered this chance like her and the others. Because they were better. [i]She[/i] was better. Roxie [i]was[/i] seduction. She had often been told that her naked form was the purest form of art. Her pouty mouth had begged to be kissed, and her smoldering bedroom eyes beckoned those who had looked upon her to come and know of the pleasure she could give them. Yes, Roxie knew this to be true- and much more. In life she had made a killing putting her looks to use. Her hair was always in a state of neat disarray that gave her a messy post sex look (which was most often true) and this only added to her look. As she walked across the marble floors in the manor her hips swayed as if possessed by the song of some slow dusky saxophone, and she never spared a look to those who gazed upon her hungrily. [i]Let them try to devour me. Let them taste me, and meet the ruin I have met[/i] she challenged them. But they were already dead like her. And so she must anxiously await for her prey to arrive. It should be no challenge. She mastered the art of seduction. Lust itself had sought her out. If it was anything she knew how to do, and well, it was to get someone into bed with her. If with nothing else than but a look. She wandered the main floor, anxiously waiting the arrival of the honored guests- and secretly hoping she could look upon the face of Lust again as she had before she died. He was the only man she ever wanted. And she only wanted to look again. If he would only [i]have[/i] her, she wouldn't want to go back. If he could only take her as mistress instead of forsake her to endless torture. She could be his [i]partner[/i], she could help him. But even when she beseeched him to have her, he gave her a cold smile and answered simply: "You're not that special, love." Well, she would show him yet. And if that still would not prove her worth at least she would be free. Tonight was the last night she would spend knowing that she had a place in hell. Tonight she would make love and know freedom again.