Name: Kite Syn Appearance: [hider=Kite] [img][/img] [/hider] Age: 16 Gender: Male Signer Mark: [hider=Mark of the Tail] [img][/img] [/hider] Deck Archetype: Warrior/Synchro Brief History: Kite came from a rough family. For generations his family was nothing but mechanic until the Duel Runner came around. After that point his family primarily ran a Duel Runner shop in New Domino City. Kite took a loving to Duel Monsters as a little kid and has always had a love for warrior monsters because they looked the strongest. That was until he came across a Stardust Dragon card. He initially didn't like it because it was not a warrior but he felt a calling from it. Soon after he played it once he adjusted his deck to suit it in combos. Deck List [hider=Stardust Deck] Monsters: Marauding Captain x3 Junk Sychron x2 Speed Warrior x 2 Hyper Synchron The Calculator x 2 Mystic Swordsman LV 2 Command Knight Freed the Matchless General Dark Blade Quillbolt Hedgehog Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning Elemental Hero Avian Elemental Hero Burstinatrix Kuriboh Winged Kuriboh Spells: Horn of the Unicorn Axe of Despair Swords of Revealing Light Fusion Sword Murasame Blade Lightning Blade Raigeki Synchro Boost Mystical Space Typhoon Fairy Meteor Crush Miracle Fusion Traps: DNA Surgery Magic Cylinder Sakuretsu Armor Raigeki Break Equip Shot Synchro Material Draining Shield Draining Shield Draining Shield Extra Deck: Elemental Hero Flame Wingman Stardust Dragon Junk Warrior x 2 Gaia Knight, The Force of Earth Driven Daredevil [/hider]