Hello all, right now I am on a kick with the Vikings show on the History channel. If you haven't seen it I suggest you check it out. It's addictive. Anyways. I roleplay female characters. I expect you to abide by the typical roleplay rules, no godmoding, don't vanish without saying you are, ect. Many of my roleplays contain violence, high action scenes, romantic scenes{I prefer not to fade to black. Though I'd rather it not be a roleplay centered around this.}, and possible detailed scenes of horror/gore{though if this bothers you I will tone it down to the best of my ability. My gore tends to stay to meduim level normally and usually takes place in war scenes and such.}. I have been roleplay for years now and can post intros of 4-10+ paragraphs for and intro and my responses will vary depending on the scene. Let me know your level that you prefer to roleplay at. You do not need to match my posts. Just give me something to work with. I do not tolerate one liners sorry. Please try to keep at least at 1 paragraph minimum. So basically I want to do a roleplay based on the show. I will be playing an OC, but you are not required to. You may play a cannon if you like. If you are interested in this let me know and we can come up with some sort of plot. I have a couple in the works. Just getting the kinks out. Feel free to ask questions here or PM. On that not as well I will say, I prefer to do this over PM. That is all. :D