[i]I wonder how long I can continue this facade,[/i] a man in a limousine thunk to himself as the long vehicle pulled over on a magnificent mansion. As the limousine door was opened by the chauffeur, somebody proclaiming themselves to be Edgar Pennyworth stepped out, wearing a tuxedo black as the spots tainting his heart. Edgar promptly thanked the driver and stepped towards the entrance of the mansion. [i]Impressive; reminds me of my sweet home, the Pennyworth Estate,[/i] a thought came to him. [i]Looks like the invite wasn't a prank, after all.[/i] Edgar stepped inside, and was greeted by a mass of lights and music he couldn't compare to the parties he used to partake in. There was a table filled to the brim with exotic delicacies, some of them familiar to Edgar, but most of them too unfamiliar to even recognize. The people attending the party were all wearing masks of some kind, some more fitting to the event than others. Edgar himself chose a mask that would certainly stick out like a sore thumb and cause people to become shocked, appalled, or at the very least, humored at him. At least, that is what he wanted as he stepped closer to the table, anticipated to hear the first reactions upon people witnessing him and the grinning visage of his mask. [i]Time for my dear brother to show what kind of person he is.[/i] [hider=Mask][img]http://i.imgur.com/Yb24Eub.jpg[/img][/hider]