[center][img]https://33.media.tumblr.com/763c15196c5131c9f8a3c5f92e185351/tumblr_mn47y66Hc81rmceijo1_500.gif[/img][/center] The Mercenary quietly observed as the girl elegantly tore the car's side door off, therefore enabling the team a safe passage to the airship. At that moment, he could almost feel the aura of Mirakuru streaming through the air. He could see that Ravager, even though seemingly a child, had a pretty twisted past, perhaps even more painful than his. Her mean, flirtatious walk could fool anyone who never thought of peeking down the door to a dark place called the Underworld, but not Deathstroke. He was well aware that behind all those flashy winks and tempting words, there was a tortured soul hoping to be saved. Naturally, Slade was never a savior, so he realized he could make some use of her. After all, everyone thought she was his child, so all he had to do was just play the role. Upon being done with his pondering, Slade turned his head at Cap. Boomerang in response to his suggestion about blowing the door. "That won't be necessary. I need you to board the car, unlock the backdoor and fire this beast up.", he declared, tapping to the hood of the car like one of those unemployed rednecks who tend to worship anything with wheels and a horn. Shortly after, a projectile flew past him at great speed, killing a guard whom the squad hadn't spotted. He turned his head to face the owner of the weapon, his right hand lightly touching the handle of his sword. He quickly found relief after realizing that who he thought was an assailant was actually just Catman, who had gone through a brief reformation and finally decided to stick with the team. Slade considered cracking an insult at the man, but refrained, reckoning his submission before the Mercenary to be humiliating enough for him. "Just get in the backseats.", Slade remarked, pointing at the back of the car with his thumb as a quick beeping sound was made. Shortly after the beep, the engine started, with Captain Boomerang on the driver's seat, looking as smug as ever. Turning his head to face Reverse-Flash, Slade gave the yellow demon a quick nod, as if telling him that they're ready to get out of that shithole.