[h2]New Torrea[/h2][h3]Tsubasa[/h3] "Triple, huh? You remember, I hope, that half of my fee is paid up front and that it may increase based on expenses I incur?" Tsubasa crossed his arms as he turned to Hazael, but this time he wore the smallest semblance of a smirk. "My equipment is very important to me. Having it taken away, even temporarily, is going to cost you. But, for three times the price...sure. Consider Donat as good as dead." He turned away to head back to the same inn he'd mentioned before. "Remember, half the money by tomorrow, or I can't guarantee anything gets done. Same inn as before, ask for Kojiro." A fake attempt on the King, for the purposes of getting close to Donat. A bit of a roundabout...but potentially two birds with one stone, if he played his cards right. The fake attempt would give him the layout of the castle, and having the guards under Hazael's control on his side would give him plenty of escape opportunities or ways to get back into places that would no doubt be under heavier guard after the attempt on the King. It wasn't nearly as bad a plan as he'd initially thought, but...only an amateur wouldn't expect something to go wrong. No strategy, no matter how articulate, survives reaching the battlefield. He'd need to do a little bit of "research" tonight...but that would be no problem.