On her return lap of the canyon, Anna saw Bristlebane sprawled out on his back, clearly having issues with the magic. She knelt beside him. "Hey, it's okay. It's really hard, I know. Oh, dear, you cut your cheek. Here, I'll help you with that. Don't get frustrated." She helped Bristle to sit up. She patted down her pockets to look for a sewing needle, only to remember that her sewing kit had been in her other dress that the master had taken. She thought about it. Maybe... Sewing with her magic couldn't be too hard. Certainly no harder than embroidery. She put her fingers on either side of the cut on Bristle's cheekbone and focused on them, looking inside for the little blue-gray threads. She found them easily and then lightly guided them out of her fingers and across the wound. They were reluctant to go into Bristle's skin, and more reluctant still to hold their form when she let go of them. After a few threads had broken she almost gave up, but then she thought of how sad and frustrated Bristle had looked. She resolved to do this one nice thing for him, no matter how hard it was. She [i]willed[/i] the threads to take their shape again and hold them, no matter what. She made them think that it was their own idea all along, to make a net and hold it, and when she was sure they'd do what the wanted, she let the threads go. When she opened her eyes her body was laid out on the ground right beside Bristle's. Funny, she never remembered laying down. She looked at Bristle, at the cut on his cheek. Or rather, the scar on his cheek. It wasn't bleeding anymore. "Oh... my gosh... I did it?" She mumbled. Her arms and legs felt like lead, and now she had to get up and run again. "Oh, gods, I'm dizzy. Okay, um. Good luck with your magic. I'll see you a little later, okay?" Before the boy could respond, she hauled herself to her feet, grabbing onto a conveniently placed root for support, and stumbled off down the canyon in search of Ven.