Hello to all, My name is Ali and I'm very excited to be able to get back into the world of rping again. My classes are finally getting a bit easier this spring so I'll have plenty of time to devote to rping. And so, without further ado I'll give you ten little facts about myself. [list] [*] I am a college freshman, biology major, and aspiring doctor. [*] I play the piano and guitar. [*] Never have I made it anywhere on time, ever. [*] I have not eaten ramen noodles yet in my college career. [*] I really like broadway musicals. [*] I live in the south so I've never seen snow before. And really want to. [*] I am 19 and already have a bucket list of things to do. [*] I am still distrought over the end of Naruto. I feel like my childhood died. [*] What is sleep? I hear about it but rarely experience this sleep thing. [*] I eat more pizza than any girl on this planet has a right to eat. [/list] I hope to get to know everyone here and have to opportunity to interact with you. Happy Valentine's Day! -Ali