[b]Name:[/b] Samus Aran [b]Power Suit[/b] [img]http://www.nintendoworldreport.com/media/37630/4/3.jpg[/img] [b]Zero Suit[/b] [img]http://www.ingame.de/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2015/01/zerosuit_samus-680x680.jpg[/img] [b]Age:[/b] Early 20s (?) [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Canon, AU, or OC?:[/b] Canon [b]Universe of Origin:[/b] Metroid Universe [b]Personality:[/b] Typically, Samus is depicted as a melancholic hero who, despite her great achievements, remains incredibly lonely and brooding, and seeks revenge against the Space Pirates, especially Ridley, who is personally responsible for the death of her parents. Yet despite her grueling past, she will help anyone in desperate need of assistance against evil. [b]Abilities/Weapons: [/b] Samus’ most notable piece of equipment is, of course, her Power Suit, which has become virtually synonymous with her own identity. This suit was given to her when she first began living with the Chozo, and was built to be fused with her mind, body, and soul. She can curl up into a ball to get into tight spaces and can even release bombs in that position. Beneath the Power Suit, Samus wears a skin-tight body suit known as the Zero Suit. Because of its negligible weight, this suit allows Samus to perform at top physical performance level, and gives some, albeit weak, protection from enemy fire. She also owns a pistol known as the Paralyzer, which auto-charges to fire stunning shots, though unfortunately, it has no lethal capacity. [b]Backstory: [/b] Samus Aran was originally a native of the Earth colony K-2L. She was living with her parents, Rodney Aran and Virginia Aran, when, at the age of three, the colony was visited by the Chozo. The Chozo had come in hopes of gaining some of the Afloraltite the colony mined there, but the colony was unwilling to give them any. Samus, however, caught the attention of Old Bird, one of the Chozo elders. The two of them went for a walk, where they began to strike up a friendship. Samus began to call him “Grandpa” and Old Bird introduced her to her new pet, Pyonchi. However, a Space Pirate raid led by Ridley soon commenced on the colony. Samus herself had an encounter with Ridley, where she asked if they could become friends. Humiliated in front of his troops, Ridley attempted to kill Samus, but her mother pushed Samus out of the way at the cost of her own life. Meanwhile, Samus' father sacrificed himself to destroy Ridley’s flagship. Little did Ridley know that, in killing Samus’ mother and attempting to kill Samus, he had succeeded in creating his greatest enemy. Samus was the sole survivor of the attack on K-2L. Eventually, the same group of Chozo found her alone and stranded on the destroyed colony, and Old Bird decided to take custody of Samus. The Chozo brought her to their planet, Zebes, and raised her with Chozo influence. Samus was infused with Chozo blood in order to boost her chances of survival on Zebes; she was later given the powerful bio-mechanical Power Suit built entirely from Chozo technology. Samus trained under the Chozo for many years. By the age of 14, she was already well past the physical limits of ordinary humans. The Chozo were unsure at first of her ability to become a true warrior until they witnessed her compassion for a flock of Iona Faria that had gone insane as a result of exposure to the Bajar Grove. Old Bird told Samus that she had his confidence and she immediately left the planet for the Federation. After the Infiltration of Zebes, Samus, (between 15–17 years old) worked on the VIXIV under General Adam Malkovich. Here she met Anthony Higgs and Adam's younger brother, Ian Malkovich. It is unknown how long she served with Adam’s unit, but long enough to develop a strong relationship with Anthony, Ian and Adam. Adam would always finish his orders with the question, "Any objections, Lady?" as a way of cementing the trust between the two of them. Samus felt like Adam was the only person who truly understood her, Samus grew to view him as her best friend and surrogate father figure. Samus left the VIXIV after the death of Adam's brother, Ian, whom Adam sacrificed to save 300 innocents on the Lusitania. After she left the Federation, Samus vanished completely, abandoning her post in the GF Police. She states her reason for doing so was that she was still young and relatively inexperienced at the time. Samus did not resurface until a few years later; by this time, she had become universally-renowned as a Bounty Hunter by single-handedly hunting down numerous Space Pirates, including stopping an assassination attempt at the inauguration of Chairman Keaton. So much of her life during this time is shrouded in mystery that the public believes her to be a male cyborg, not the same woman who graduated first in her class at the GF Police. [b]Faction:[/b] UMMA