Name: Sarah Donner Alias: Guardian Angel Age: 18 Personality: Sarah can actually have conflictual personalities. She honestly would prefer if people left here alone and vices versa. Being sociable was not something she grew up doing and she could be very cynical. Even with those close to her she would act sassy. But her transformation compels her to assist others. And if that requires her to act extremely outgoing and friendly then she cannot stop herself. Powers: White magic - It can be used in a variety of different ways but the most common are for defensive purposes. Healing, barrier projection, and short range teleportation. A passive ability she has is to sense danger nearby. It is not exact but merely alerts her of danger. Sarah is still developing offensive uses but to date she can use her magic to temporarily grant herself strength and speed boosts as well as launch what appear to be imbued feathers from her own wings as bolts. Obviously her wings give her flight. Abilities: Decent at street fighting. Her new form is a lot more athletic than her past one but does not possess any inherent superhuman skills. Hero Or Villian: Hero (Because she has to be) Appearance: [url=][img][/img][/url] [hider=Before][img][/img][/hider] Crush: She still has a small crush on her old boyfriend from the gang. Her whole life has been turned upside down so she had to let him go. Relationship Status: Single Short Bio: Growing up in a bad side of town made life pretty tough. Street smarts were a must but it was only a matter of time before Sarah fell in with a bad crowd. The things they did were small time, petty theft and psudo-terf wars. Somebody somewhere must have been desperate because her little gang got recruited for a big job knocking off a local museum. The payoff was just too good to pass up and they would even be provided the equipment and plans to pull it off. The reality was that the people who wanted the loot needed as much distance from the crime as possible. Getting a bunch of clueless kids to do it for them made that easy. Things went without a hitch. Everyone got out with the loot, some weird broken stone rune. Lagging behind with the loot Sarah missed the rondevu with their employer long enough to avoid getting nabbed like the rest of her gang. She did however see what happened and got away. Word quickly reached her that if the goods were not brought like promised that her friends would be killed. Things were getting too real for Sarah to deal with and she had no idea what to do. These guys clearly did not hold up to their word. What could be so important about a busted up old rock? It sort of looked like a puzzle though. Needing a break from the stress she busied herself assembling the pieces. In the back of her mind though she wanted to help her friends and it brought her back to things her mother used to tell her about guardian angels. Her friends could definitely use one now. Putting in the last piece her silent wish was granted and her days as Guardian Angel began. Sarah's new found power came with an unusual catch. The normally rough and difficult to work with girl would spin on a dime whenever danger or something bad happened. What's more those situations were not something she could ignore. If she could help then whether she really wanted to or not she was going to help. That was probably why her reputation rose so quickly over the last year. It was almost a sixth sense and she would be there to save people. When approached by the Young Justice she immediately said yes. Those that have had the chance to really get to know here (which are very few) know that she really didn't want to join. Though she was starting to warm up to the idea many of her actions are dictated by her strange alter ego. Theme: [url=]Send Me An Angel[/url] Other: [b]We are YOUNG![/b]