[b]Name:[/b] Swerve [b]Robot Mode[/b] [img]http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg569/Lmpkio/Screenshot2015-02-14at21005PM_zps253d9d99.png[/img] [b]Vehicle Mode[/b] [img]https://figurefanzero.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/tfgswerve13.jpg?w=593&h=402[/img] [b]Age:[/b] Unknown; Millions of Years Old [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Canon, AU, or OC?:[/b] AU (IDW Generation 1 Continuity Comics) [b]Universe of Origin:[/b] The Transformers Universe [b]Personality:[/b] Gregarious would be a good word to describe Swerve. So would outgoing, enthusiastic, upbeat, joyfully irreverent, flippant, sarcastic, wise ass, troll, or "total pain in the aft," depending on which side of his weapons-grade mouth you happen to fall on and how long you've been listening to him use it. Swerve has a sense of fun and even whimsy that stands out from your run of the mill Autobots fairly dramatically. The little fellow may get on their nerves... he'll probably get on their nerves... But it'll always be with a smile, a laugh, and an epic level quip, making him a good bartender. He is, however, also a menace to everyone within range of a gun in his hand - including himself - given his legendarily bad aim, as well as to anyone driving nearby because he's so easily distracted by just about anything that catches his attention. Despite this, he's quite intelligent and skilled as a metallurgist, analysing the properties of a material with unique sensors in his hands. When he gets caught up in a problem, he becomes almost laser-like in focus and intensity, going on quest after quest, both major and minor. Unfortunately, this generally leaves him just as distracted from any other tasks at hand and just as accident-prone as ever. He's almost always in need of some repairs, major or minor, because of it. [b]Abilities/Weapons:[/b] Swerve usually carries a blaster with him and is able to transform into a truck. [b]Backstory:[/b] For at least four million years, Swerve has wanted to swap his metallurgy career for bartending. During the War, he was one of the Autobots who chose to accompany Rodimus on his quest to find the Knights of Cybertron. Red Alert reluctantly allowed Swerve to board the Lost Light if he'd stop talking. [url=http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Swerve_%28G1%29]Full story is here. Find 1.4 IDW Generation 1 Continuity to hear the whole story (Unless you already read the More Then Meets The Eye Comics).[/url] (Continuing from the last paragraph from the link). As the Lost Light prepared to leave Cybertron for the second time, Swerve, Crosscut and Riptide hosted a series of "crewditions", during which he rejected Groove, Bluestreak and Nautica for spurious reasons before Nightbeat revealed the whole exercise to be a sham Swerve had concocted purely for his own amusement. Once the mission was once again underway, Swerve chafed under its new commander, the supposedly reformed Megatron. When things aboard the Lost Light—and ultimately the ship itself—started to disappear, Swerve abandoned the ship along with the rest of the crew. While trying to make sense of the situation aboard the Rodpod along with Megatron and a collection of other Autobots, Swerve himself then vanished. Swerve was in fact teleported to this universe, on an unknown world he had never seen before. Not knowing where he was, the autobot tries to explore the place, trying to find out where he is. After a few days without seeing anyone at all, Swerve began to loose hope on finding anyone. That is until a certain gunship lands near where he was. The autobot approaches the ship with open arms, only to be greeted by the barrel of an arm cannon owned by Samus Aran! Thankfully, she never fired, as Swerve explained the situation he was in, who was then told by Samus that he was in fact in another dimension. Knowing that he will never get back to the Cybertron he loves, he asks if he can join the Bounty Hunter on her "quests." With a simple nod, she allows Swerve to join her on her missions to rid the Universe of evil... as long as he stops saying the word "quest" all the time. Usually he's just the mechanic in Samus' gunship and only sometimes does he go on a mission with her. [b]Faction:[/b] UMMA