Name: X - Age: 100+ Years, 14 since activation - Gender: Male - Appearance: [img][/img] - Canon, AU, or OC?: Cannon - Universe of Origin: Mega-Man X - Personality: X dedicates himself to preserving lives, of both machines and humans, because of this he is usually seen as a pacifist. However, after facing down Sigma he is now known as a war hero, X often tries to talk to his enemies in an attempt to understand them or to change their mind, tested in many moral simulations, X tries to uphold what he believes is the right choice because of this he is often called naive by many of his friends. But when lives are endangered he has never hesitated to do what must be done and takes his duty as a Maverick Hunter seriously. - Abilities/Weapons: (Not sure how far you'd let me go, but I kind of want to know if I can start him off with some of his special weapons or if i can get more in the rp. I'm not exactly sure how the rp works but i'm interested.) X-Buster: X's most powerful weapon. Converts solar energy into a high powered beam, with time he can gather a charge and release a stronger blast. When not in use, the X-buster forms a hand. Variable Weapon System: Can use weapons or systems copied from other robots or Reploids by copying their weapon schematic, or collecting the chip necessary to use it. Body Skin: Lightweight "Titanium-X" alloy. Broad-range Eye Camera: X can see at a far higher "framerate" than that of the human eye, along with an ability to analyze threats and objects. Ultra-sensitive Voice Recognition System: Can hear a far broader spectrum of sounds than the normal human ear can. Emergency Acceleration System: Accelerate in a blink of an eye, can run (dash) at enormous speed using hidden boosters in his legs. Original Reploid Body: X's chassis and internal systems contain multiple pieces of technology to complicated or to important to remake for the mainstream line of reploids, giving him an edge in his battles. Because he is a reploid X is stronger, and faster than most reploids along with humans. - Backstory: X was designed and created by Dr. Light to be a robot who could think and make his own decisions without programming limitations. Unique among all of Dr. Light's creations, X possessed incredible physical and reasoning capabilities. However, Light feared that, since X didn't have any moral programming to dictate his morality or actions, he could become a grave threat to the world. Therefore, he sealed X away into a special capsule that would test his systems in a myriad of scenarios designed to ensure that X would be able to discern right from wrong and be always willing to do the right thing. Apparently, this process would take more than 30 years, unfortunately Light was very old and would not live to see X leave the capsule and enter the world. He left a warning on the computer in the lab he placed the capsule in and ordered anyone that may find the capsule to not release the robot within until his testing was complete. X is a hot-blooded, committed, and strong-willed Reploid who has little tolerance for injustice. Though X fights with all his might against Sigma and his Mavericks, he is a pacifist at heart, something he might have inherited from the original Mega Man or Dr. Light. X would like nothing more than the fighting to be over, and for humans and Reploids to coexist peacefully next to each other, like his creator had always wished. He cares deeply for the victims of the war and for his friends who've fought so long with him, especially Zero, whom he regards as his best friend. X is easily frustrated when things go awry and rarely seems to understand the true motives of Sigma and other Mavericks - Faction: UMMA