Name: Lucas Age:15 Gender:Male Appearance: [img][/img] Canon, AU, or OC?: Canon Universe of Origin: Earthbound/Mother Series Personality: Lucas is sensitive. He is also timid, gentle, and cautious. Almost the opposite of his twin brother, Claus. He can show determination, but only when the situation permits, and strong-willed. He is partially traumatized from the events that happened in his life, unable to sleep on occasion. Abilities/Weapons: Lifeup Ω; Heals most wounds, Lifeup γ; Heals less wounds than Omega, but can be used on friends, PSI Healing Ω; Heals ailments (burning, daze/shock, even unconsciousness), can be used on self or other party members, Refresh; Heals wounds over time, can be used on self or allies, PK Love β; Deals a incapacitating blow, PSI Shield Ω; Halves PSI damage and uses that damage to heal allies, PSI Counter Ω; Reflects PSI damage to enemies. PK Fire; Burns enemies and sends a column of fire wherever it hits. PK Flash: A ball of energy than can go through most things that explodes, causing minor-major damage. PK Thunder: A bolt of lightning that hits wherever it's aimed for average damage, more effective on robots. PSI Spark; Small sparks that deal minor damage at close range. Normal wooden baseball bat. PSI: Psychic; sort of like magic. PK: Psychokinetic; Psychic attack. Most abilities had to be nerfed greatly because of the way Earthbound's attacks work. PK Love Omega would be an insta-kill originally, PK Love Beta would also be an insta-kill. Backstory: Lucas woke up, smelling the omelets that were being cooked downstairs. He got dressed, ran downstairs, and ate quickly. He ran outside with Claus and ran around the field in the mountains. Those were the days. It had been ages since Hinawa's death, and many months after Claus and the Pigmask Army had been driven from the Nowhere Islands. He had many visions after these traumatizing events. He hadn't had one good dream since the day Claus had died; nightmare after nightmare terrorizing him. He was treated as a hero, but he never felt like one. Countless times he had nearly died, or had to watch others die right in front of him. He lived with his father and Boney for years before he had even thought of someone from different universes visiting him. One day, while traveling around the Nowhere Islands with Boney, Lucas felt like something was off. Something in the Nowhere Islands was off. He, being a psychic, felt a... disturbance going on. Where was still a question. Soon, though, he'd find out. After finding a section of the Islands that had been completely deforested about 20 minutes ago in less than a second, he saw some sort of spacecraft. Then, a door opened. After seeing this, and also seeing a man step out, he ran off, scared for his life, since Flint and Dusty weren't there to help fight whoever could be attacking the Nowhere Islands, and ran until he didn't have any more breath. He and Boney were the first in the Nowhere Islands to witness multiversal travel. Maybe the last, too. Faction: Factionless Explanation on PK Love PK Love is a bit complicated. It actually has nothing to do with emotions other than the user draws energy from something they 'love' and use it in an attack. PK Love, in the games, is very overpowered, and I had to nerf it. Incapacitation means its strong enough to disable someone for a period of time, and it varies from thing to thing. If he used this version of PK Love on... say, a pigmask (bulletproof clothing and gas masked common enemy in the games) they'd be knocked unconscious, or unable to stand for a while. If he used it on a bigger character, it may hurt, but not incapacitate. If he used it on an unarmored foe, it'd hurt and they may be knocked unconscious and unable to stand for a bit. On anything smaller, it can be fatal. Can be dodged.