Virathus had taken off his thermal vision when he lost his target, knowing that it was due to Litharian cloaking and it wouldn't matter any. Though if you know how it works, you also know how to get around it. He closed his eyes and opened his mind, seeing the world around him through the Psionic plane, sensing the presences of the agents as well as Rennac. He found his target again and took aim with his mind, making sure he had a clear shot when he pulled the trigger, releasing a lightning fast shot of super dense plasma that was a Rail Round. It shot straight through the Litharian's head and didn't stop. It continued through a nearby tree and only vanished into the ground as it's way of stopping. This Litharian agent who was shot dropped instantly, but the rest couldn't find where it came from, so their attention was on the threat they could see. They were about to turn Rennac into a pile of plasma slag when he spit up all the exhaust shrouding him from thermal vision and causing a few blind shots to wizz past Rennac's head. But instead of stepping into the shroud a few instead drew a few plasma grenades, armed them, and lobbed them into the cloud hoping to blow him up, or at least spread the fog out with the blast.