[img]http://blog.flamingtext.com/blog/2015/02/15/flamingtext_com_1423970846_331072929.png[/img] In Qumag: A Plague once spread through all of Qumag, but, it, like all the people it destroyed, is now gone. A dark age has filled the gap the plague left. The plague killed over 1/2 of the population within 20 years, ripping through villages and destroying whole empires. The world, once divided by race, is now suffering through a natural genocide that will go down in history as one of the worst events in history. The once huge elvish majority was hit the hardest. What was once the richest and most thriving race on the continent is now going through the first dark age in 2000 years. In Omag: The mighty hordes of Omag were not hit as hard as the civilised empires in Qumag, The Omagsianasa where the ones who gave the Qumag the plague from trade (By accident, no chemical weapons allowed). While still hit hard, the plague stopped doing damage to the hordes long ago. Off the topic of the plague, The once mighty Horde of the Orcæ have fallen through mass revolution, destroying there once mighty presence on the world stage. The World: [img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/201/5/a/create_your_own_country_map_by_aaronmk-d6eduxw.png[/img] (Omag Is the left, Qumag is the upper area) Races: Races will play a large part in this rp, I may of used the term elvish or Orcæ in the descriptions, but those are broad terms. There are different types of Elves and Orcs, and the possibilities are endless with you having the ability to come up with your own race. Some guidelines to make this fair (No one likes a Mary Sue), No overpowered Dragon-Humans (I am not new here, I have been watching you and your rps for a while, so I know about the Draconians in that Space rp), No electronic creatures, and lastly, no creatures that can split up into multiple versions of itself. Technology: Now, like the dark ages, the technology is not the best. It is the 1100s in this world (The plague hit kind of early), so no guns, no tanks, no cannons, no FTL, no airships, no planes, no spaceships, no space lazers, and strictly, NO ALIENS. You will be fighting with swords, bows, axes, and, in the Nation Sheet, I will give you the ability to create 3 special weapons that your nation uses. These weapons must be Dark Age friendly, so things such as a scythe with a tip dipped in poison is fine, but no overpowered explosives (At most, I will give you the ability to create something like Greek fire later down the line) Religion: As it was in the real world, Religions shall play a huge part in this, from holy wars to holy oustings of governments. So why should it be different here. Religion shall be used to describe truly how a player might play. Will you be must spread religion farther, or will you be peaceful conversion is best conversion, this is up to the player. My only 3 rules in religion is that it must be a custom religion, you must have a religion (No atheism lol, no one was an atheist at this time), and lastly, dont have it offend other people. Rules: No Godmodding/Godmoding (Godmodding is insta-banning someone from the rp, this is just incase I get a co-owner if this RP grows out of control) No Powergaming No Scouting (That means no looking at hiders that are not for you) I settle arguments The gms decide if the app is in or out, we might take part of your opinion into consideration, but we will not follow it exactly. Nation Sheet: Flag: Name Of Nation: Majority Race: Minority Race: Main Religion Placement on Map: History: Important People: Special Weapons: Other: