When the fighting had started Lucian let loose like he had been wanting to for years now, he became wild and animalistic but with the skill and swordplay of very old vampire. His blade never slowed as he tore apart his enemies and for the first time in a long time truly let himself go. Adrian was strong and beastial but his control was greater than that of Lucian, prefering to fight using his powers, Adrian had stood there and then when he was advanced upon he simply let his sharp nails sink into his right palm and suddenly the rogue was filled with massive red claws as sharp as a razor, "Fraid not youngling." Adrian then much like a spider trapped and cruely tortured most of his targets, because anyone who threatened the well being of his family deserved no less. By the time it was over Lucian was drenched in blood smiling almost like a child at christmas and Adrian was as clean as when he started. Lucian smiled and went to stand next to Maria only to find her missing, "guys...Maria...is gone..." he looked like a confused drunk trying to make sense of things.