[quote=@shadowkiller912] [quote=@NarayanK] [hider=Geni Hung][img]http://i.imgur.com/GgI9yX2.png[/img][/hider] Jack Orpheus - Incomplete Merlin Taupe - Incomplete [hider=Mokuren Sabella][img]http://i.imgur.com/GewJPai.png[/img][/hider] I have not finished Jack Orpheus and Merlin Taupe's recolors, so I will make some soon. In the meantime, I will continue to touch more old pics. [/quote] Hey you wouldn't mind doing one for Sarina? :dreamy [/quote] I will work on it right away. It should be done before thirty minutes unless something gets in the way. EDIT: [quote=@Scarifar] I would like it if Daniel wasn't represented by a large, muscular guy. I picture him with more of a lithe build, y'know? Of course, that's just my opinion. [/quote] I initially chose that character to represent Daniel due to how the lighter sort of related to "flames," but I can easily choose another character to represent Daniel instead. I will work on this after Sarina.