Name : Sir Rescus Age : 23 (780) Race : A knight (Dragon in disguse) Personality : [img][/img] WIP History : [img][/img] WIP Weapons (no speical ones) : Dragon blood sword, spell book, throwing daggers, bow and arrows, his magic, Equpment :scrolls of information, maps, dragon lagnague written jounrals and many other things related to that of dragons, claws, a horn, venom anything he got it. Pet (normal pets please) : A hawk (Dazzle Truth) Magical hawk from his old home with dragons immortal [img][/img] Stallion (Sharp Arrow) Wild sattion that he befriends but never forces to allow him to ride [img][/img] The three wolves Dexios - The wise, Stands taller and bigger then any wolf, wisest of all wolves thanks to its immortal life with the last dragon [img][/img] xexons - The protective, Stands better built then most wolves, adhanced senses and able to run for hours without getting tired. [img][/img] Zulea- The spirit Wolf, a white dazzling wolf thats just as a white as the moona dn glows, best fighter at night time and seem walking across water. Said to e the master of the stars and of spirits, its rarely seen. Very dangerous if upset and can use her powers in very small amount if in bad danger. [img][/img] [img][/img] Picture : [img][/img] [img][/img]