[hider=Molydeus] [B]Name/Titles: Molydeus, Molidae, The Cage and Chain, Our Keeper the Mad, The Prince of the Sharzunates, The Shattered and Maimed[/B] [B]Sex/Gender[/B]: Molydeus is either androgynous or hermaphroditic, depending on how one sees these things. He is referred to with male pronouns, though 'it' is more correct. [B]Pantheon/Affiliation:[/B] Deity. [B]Patronage:[/B] Jails and jailed, madness and hope, punishment and redemption, obsession and revenge, pain and endurance, water. [B]Appearance:[/B][indent]Molydeus rarely appears directly. When possible he will do so through a mirror or reflective pool, ravaging both the image and the vessel. In the mortal world it prefers to use surrogates--anyone in the grips of madness willing to surrender themselves to their Lord can be used as a puppet, and he prefers to use as many such puppets as he can at a time for effect. When he must appear as himself it is as an one or many androgynous young men or women, scarred and maimed and swathed in white. If he appears as a multitude they speak in chorus and are viciously chained to one another.[/indent] [B]Parentage:[/B] [indent]Molydeus was conceived long ago when the first God was cast into the Sharzunates, but was only born with the death of Aerosus. The power he poured into keeping his enemies (and allies) constrained was released and combined with the divinity bled from the Lake's captives until finally, at the moment of betrayal, Molydeus opened centuries closed eyes and was birthed from the depths with a cry of relief.[/indent] [B]Centres of Worship/Places of Power:[/B] [indent]As a new god, Molydeus is not well known to the mortals. Still, at the moment of Aroseus' death there was a murmur among the jailed and the mad, a new word for their captor and fellow inmates to mutter, to obsess upon. For better or worse they were no longer alone in their suffering, and they soon learned it. As the god of prisons and imprisonment he is strong wherever men and women are held in bondage, wherever they hang in cages or stocks or are tortured and confined. In the oldest and foulest of these places he walks the halls freely, and it is said that to speak in that musty air is to whisper in his ear. Everyone has their prison, and all the prisons are his. [/indent] [B]Servants, Prominent Followers and Worship Base:[/B] [indent]Few people choose to worship Molydeus, but more of them do than will ever admit it. When the lights have gone out and the beatings start, when the cell doors close and the shackles click shut, Molydeus is there. A born prisoner, familiar with punishment and confinement of deific proportions, he is the balm and the comfort in the mewling dark even as he whispers in the ear of the whiphand. Prayers to him come in gasped breath and frenzied, fervent pleas, pregnant with that most desperate and sincerest of supplication. Even in freedom they remember the soothing whispers in their ear, the calming hands on their shoulders...and the fingers knotted in their hair to hold then beneath the water. They know who they owe their lives to, and they remember. While the survivors are his champions, the mad are his servants. Captivity breaks more than it spares, and those who break beneath the hand of Molydeus are his, body and soul. He speaks through them, wears them when he walks the earth and guards them and abuses them jealously like the dangerous, manic, broken children they have become. Though he dwells in all jails and prisons and asylums, there is one most holy penitentiary that bears special mention. On the island of Kirkonau there is a prison that accepts any offering, and it is here that Molydeus swallows them whole. It is the Molidae, and the less said of that sunken abbatoir the better. What happens to them then is a secret shared only between captor and captive, but they emerge with the blessing of Molydeus or not at all. [/indent] [B]Psychology:[/B] [indent] Outwardly, Molydeus presents himself as gentle and soft spoken, innocent and well-meaning. It is a lie, and a good one. Molydeus is young. Though he has languished for centuries in an ovarian prison he was born only in the death of Aroseus, and it is through new eyes that he sees the world and the other Gods and Goddesses. They entrance him and frighten him but he is a brave and headstrong child and a God in his own right, and he is as powerful as any of them in his own domain. Mercurial and possessive, masochistic and sadistic, it is his nature to imagine those he meets wrapped tight in his chains until he grows tired of them. He jealously guards what he sees as his and his wrath is as vicious as a bone-deep lash. But above all else he is hungry. A growing god needs his nourishment, after all. [/indent] [B]History:[/B] [indent]When the first deity was cast away to Lake Sharzunate, its dreams and rages and sorrows and agonies seeped into the water, for not even these fragments of being were allowed free. They sunk and began to consolidate at the bottom of those endless waters, mixing with the power and will that Aroseus poured into their prison. It coalesced into a nascent jailor, a fetal warden that dreamed of its charges and held them tight with iron fingers and aqueous embrace. It visited their dreams and relived their torments, and it grew to know each of them intimately and invasively. And then the betrayal, and birth, and Molydeus rose from beneath the lake with joy. Since he has declared himself the prince of the Sharzunates and viciously defends his title, claiming his Isles and working to rechain the gods that He feeds upon. Recently he has begun to get the Isles back in order, using his knowledge of his captives and the strength of the prison that held them bind them once more. He has only begun his forays into expanding his power beyond the Sharzunates and the prisons, beginning with the water that nurtured and confined him for so long.[/indent] [B]Relationships:[/B] [indent](Loves, hates, lusts, crushes, affairs, rapes, incests, zoophilia incidents with shepherd girls (always a Jovian favorite) and the like. Oh, and mere alliances and rivalries, as well. Probably fueled by the above. You don't have to list every character, just the ones your character actually has ties to/strong feelings for.)[/indent] [/hider] Good but for relationships, which are being discussed.