[color=fff79a]"Shut up already..."[/color] Volker was incredibly tired of his blade's negative shit and sheathed it causing Astraeus' speech to be muffled. [color=fff79a]"That is much better!"[/color] he exclaimed as his smile widened. Despite his sword being his only constant companion, he could only handle so much of its gloom before he was influenced by it. Astraeus' ceased trying to speak, realizing he would not be heard while Volker looked through his pockets and managed to find a bag he would place his berries in. He took it out of his pocket and looked inside to find the realization that he had no food at all. He still grinned, he wouldn't let hunger get him down! He gripped his sword by its handle and strode out of his shelter when Astraeus repeatedly flickered its white light. The blade peeked out of its sheath and caught its wielders attention. [color=fff79a]"What is it?"[/color] he asked. [color=000000]"Considering your reaction I'm going to assume that you did not just sense that."[/color] [color=fff79a]"Sense what?"[/color] Volker was curious now. He held his blade close to his face and openly expressed his eagerness to know with his grin that somehow got even wider, this time to the point of being uncanny. [color=000000]"The Horn... I'm going to need you to move in the directions I tell you."[/color] The wielder had faith in his blade and quickly grabbed his things before treading to wherever Astraeus wanted him to go. ◆◆◆ His clothes were even dirtier and ripped from moving through the forest as hastily as he did. He examined his body to see if anything grazed him while he was running. [i][color=fff79a]Dammit, my clothes are somehow more of a wreck than they were before... Oh well![/color][/i] Volker studied the city from the outside and he was simply slack-jawed. On the outside of the gates he could easily see the guards and even some of the people entering and exiting the city. The guards Volker could see seemed incredibly serious, none of them expressing any kind of emotion. [color=fff79a]"Now what?"[/color] [color=000000]"Calmly approach one of the guards and show me to them. They'll deliver you to the king an-"[/color] Volker stopped listening after the sword said guards. [i]I'll cheer them up. [/i] He was now dashing towards one of the inexpressive guards and leaping at him. Caught off-guard, the guard fell onto the ground after Volker playfully tackled him. Within seconds, a few of the surrounding guards snatched Volker off and took Astraeus out of his possession. [color=fff79a]"... All of you need to lighten up."[/color] After hearing his master say this, Astraeus started to glow white. Many of the guards shook their heads and one managed a chuckle before they realized that a sword glowing and being capable of communicating with its master is not too normal. The guard he tackled placed Astraeus back in its sheath and helped Volker up. "Follow me. The King is expecting you."