[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/QsXcknJh.jpg[/img][/center] TIMESKIP TO BIYALIA He bends over a table, his fists cracking the wood. The safehouse is dark, and dimly lit. It reminds him of Thomas' cave back on their world. And speak of the devil, there's Owlman himself, sitting quietly in his seat, contemplation etched in his jaw. Deathstorm sits at his right hand, directly opposite Owlman. Under different circumstances, Superwoman would be in that seat, but these are changing times, and she isn't. She's rotting in a cell back at A.R.G.U.S.,while he and his able bodied contemporaries are free...for the time being. Grid sits at the server banks, integrating himself into the network. Two men he doesn't recognize sit in corners of the room, while a metal man with a kryptonite heart is doing...something, with himself. Suddenly the door opens up, and the team they've been waiting on is here, one by one. There's a yellow and red man, obviously a speedster from the way he moves. Following him is a one eyed mercenary, and what appears to be his protégé. An Australian followed him, toting boomerangs, and lastly, what Ultraman could only describe as an Owlman wannabe, or Batman wannabe in this world. Once they were all in, the doors automatically locked, and the voice of Amanda Waller filtered into the room, the video screen flaring to life. "My name is Amanda Waller. And what I've done is brought you all here to do a task for me. You, as a team, are going to assassinate this woman-" A picture came up, of a tan-skinned woman with regalia bearing that of a queen, yet there was a slight bee motif to her attire. "-Who goes by the name of Queen Bee. Her real name isn't known, but we do know that she has superhuman lieutenants she keeps on her. Your job is to capture or kill these lieutenants, shut down her nuclear weaponry, and assassinate Queen Bee. Your first step is to identify those lieutenants at a ball in your civilian Identities, so I suggest you start revealing yourselves to each other." As the video died, Ultraman levelled a heat vision filled gaze at the mercenary, without actually incinerating him. "Who are you, and who is your team?"