Seishu hobbles away from the mass of positive energy, the one negative trickle following the guy he likes like a little puppy into the arms of what was once his master’s sworn enemy. [i]'Not that I ever really stuck to that. I mean, I would get pissed, curse his name,and kill his troops indiscriminately, but that's different. That was business. A business that soon will be in the past. . .Hopefully'[/i] The Nightmare Guardian does not doubt for an instant that the plan [b]can[/b] work, however he's still very much on the fence on whether or not it will. He sighs deeply, looking this way and that. [i]'The halls are lovely, but they're just so. . .Bright'[/i] In stark contrast of his own deep blue stone walls, the off white of the marble lining these hallways catch ever little sliver of light and bounces it around until the guardian finds it all nearly blinding. It is not a relaxing walk, not by a long shot, but he really feels he needs to take it. Something about moving, wandering, not laying around like a lump, allows him to think better. Despite the pain still radiating through his leg and shoulder, growing more and more intense as he shambles on and he wonders vaguely if he should just start back towards his room. However after having this thought he catches the scent of fresh air. For some insane reason he can not understand he feels the urge to go outside. He knows it will be bright, he knows it will kill his eyes and make his wounds burn, but the outdoors just seems to be the place to be. So, following his nose, he sets off. ~*~*~*~*~ “So,” Finn asks, “any idea why this is so hard right now?” He glances up at his sister. “Normally, when Lord Enasi is upset, the flowers still bloom, just, more slowly. They normally don't need to be coaxed for over an hour. . .” Starla shrugs before laying down next to her brother, her hand at flowers a little more experienced. As the two of them talk to the flower however a thought comes to her. “This could be. . . .Getting used to the new energy?” Finn looks at her sideways. “Well, think about it.” She continues, laying on her side. “We all noticed that Lord Enasi is giving off a new energy, and that the garden is ties to Lord Enasi. Since the whole place did not wilt, I would say that the flowers are just learning to transition to this new energy. Like when we moved the shrubs from the nursery into the garden. They take a while to take root and begin to bloom.” He runs her fingers over a closed blossom, watching it beginning to unfurl very slowly. “They have new food, and need to adjust. . .” “Just like the rest of us. . . .” Finn adds, nodding in agreement. He can see no fault in her logic and after a moment takes heart in the idea. “You know, if flowers can adjust, then so can we.” Starla looks back with a smile and a nod. Glad that that problem is now solved in his head the brother returns his attention to the task at hand. [i]'Yeah, if flowers can do it, then we can too. . . .'[/i] ~*~*~*~*~ Harper begins the slow walk towards Crios' office, wanting to stay true to his word to Seishu. He shakes his head with a smile. [i]'never thought [b]that[/b] would be a desire to cross my heart'[/i] He sighs softly, letting his eyes wander, his body relax. After all the tension, and even with the still prevalent complications in his life, the general feels himself calming now that Lord Enasi is laying down comfortably, Seishu will soon be intercepted by someone else so he doesn't have to deal with him right now, and potentially, all the wars are over. Yes, for General Harper, today is a good day. ~*~*~*~*~ They watch the abomination, the embodiment of all the foul change that has been happening around their pristine realm, the creature most foul, as it walks absentmindedly along the hallway. Now is their time to act. Lord Enasi is laid up and can not stop them. He will see the good of their actions once the realm has been cleansed. Once this evil is removed they will be able to set things right, to get everything back to normal. They will get their guardian back. They won't have to suffer any longer. Across the way, somewhere near the the monster, a dream minion opens a bottle of his special perfume. It wafts through the area, nearly scentless, and with one effect. A wicked smile crosses the lips of the dream minion in charge of this endeavor. [i]'Perfect'[/i] she thinks, watching Seishu turn towards the nearest doorway to the outside. The palace itself has few doors but there are still arches separating one room from another. All the rooms with beds have doors of course. [i]'We just need to get you out, under the sun, then we can remove you from here'[/i] she hisses in her mind, her soft brown eyes hiding her malice for the guardian poorly. ~*~*~*~*~ Seishu doesn't really care what's driving him right now. He's just happy to be be moving about without someone worrying about him. [i]'Well, I'm sure plenty of people are worrying, but just not openly and right behind me'[/i] he muses, his eyes narrowing as he walks out into the sunlight. Holding his hand up over his brow to block some of the glare he lets out a sigh. He still looks a bloody mess he's sure, and to that he is glad that no one is around to see him. [i]'Last thing I need is them thinking I've killed someone'[/i] Letting out a sigh he takes a few steps, looking out across the open field before him, recalling how he'd flown over it a few days ago. [i]'Despite the brightness now pounding into my temples like a jackhammer, it is quite lovely'[/i] He only has a few moments to think this however when at last he feels his head clear up and some delightfully wicked feelings of to his left catch his attention. It's too late however and an instant later he feels a pain in his back. [i]'Oh goodie'[/i] is all he has time to think before he feels searing pain race through his system. He can't even cry out however as the drugs do their job and knock him flat. In short order the guardian is wrapped up in a cloth and a group of dream minion have him through a portal to the human realm. The female minion watches with delight. [i]'He's recovered a lot. None of us could kill him as he is now. But in a week? Being constantly fed positive energy? He'll be ripe for killing by then. . . .'[/i] Her smiles fades to the inside as she straightens her lab coat and heads back to the medical wing, her lunch break over.