Rayna proved to be the trickiest one so far. I wanted to get her kinda facing sideways, but I pretty much failed. Her weapon was the most complicated yet, you wouldn't believe how hard it is to make an owl in my program, and accidentally erasing my progress halfway through didn't help. You are entitled to a free redo as usual, Narc. [img]https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-dBHzpygqB3M/VOEs0JYwCnI/AAAAAAAAAzM/bYwN2bS5GNU/w296-h535-no/Warriors%2B-%2BRayna%2B2.png[/img][img]https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-Nfj69WY4Kj8/VOEs0PEhx3I/AAAAAAAAAzQ/KFPCEBPNr_Y/w301-h238-no/Symbols%2B-%2BRayna.png[/img]