[center][img]http://www.wall321.com/thumbnails/detail/20120411/weapons%20pink%20hair%20red%20eyes%20mahou%20shoujo%20madoka%20magica%20sakura%20kyouko%20anime%20bow%20and%20arrow%20anime%20girls_www.wallpaperto.com_39.jpg[/img] "[i][color=ed145b]I'm not afraid of what is thrown at me.[/color][/i]" Name: Mason Amer Age: 21 Civil clothes: [hider=Civil Outfit] [img]http://www.wall321.com/thumbnails/detail/20120519/blondes%20japanese%20kimono%20heterochromia%20visual%20novel%20game%20cg%20anime%20girls%20otome%20ga%20tsumugu%20koi%20no%20canva_www.wall321.com_3.jpg[/img] [/hider] Thief clothes: In photo Weapon: In the photo. A spear/whip like weapon Tools: Rope with a grappling hook, several pick-locks, and binoculars Bio: Mason joined the guild a year earlier. She had been recruited due to her skill in silence and her fighting abilities. She had lived on the streets as an orphan for years but learned to be a thief. When she met someone from the guild they invited her to join due to her skills. Not important info: Her parents were killed by some rich folks when she was really young[/center]