[h3]To the Skies! A Man of Earth meets a Woman of Heaven Part 1[/h3] "Well then, ladies and gentleman, I have a busy day ahead of me. So I must bid you a good day, Mr. Kleiner." The Chancellor rose from her seat as well as her two officers. They saluted as she walked out. Once the door had closed, the HandelWind Kommandant gathered his things and made his way out the door as Katherine approached Kleiner. "Right this way sir." They walked out of the building to the garage where a car waited for them as well Major Thont. "Ahh! Glad to see our very own "Hell's Angel" is going to be showing our esteemed guest what it means to be a sui-" "Major Thont! Glad to see your still expectantly a Major as you were ten years ago when I first met you. Still drinking yourself to sleep at night? Is that, perhaps, why they put you on baby sitting duty instead of a real post on the frontier?" Katherine said, cutting him off. Thont simply held out his hands and shrugged. "What's wrong with being comfortable with your position in life, Hell's Angel?" He said. Katherine shook her head, her annoyed frown turning into a smile. "How have you been Varkos?" She said, shaking Varkos's hand. "Been better, been worse my dear. Where we off to with our guest?" "Take us to Foxtrot Air Field. I want to give him a taste of what's like with an air combat unit." Katherine. Varkos raised an eyebrow and stared at Katherine for a second. Sighing, he shrugged and walked over the car and got in the driver's seat. Katherine then turned to Kleiner. "Right this way sir. " With the group loaded into the vehicle, they drove for some time out of the city. First the roads were paved, crossing the open green fields of the surrounding land on the clear day, the mountains off in the distance. They turned onto a bumpy dirt path until they arrived at a military airfield. The sound of propeller aircraft drifting in an out, yet, oddly enough, there were only one or two aircraft in sight. Both sat silently alone in their hangars. "Here we are ma'am. I guess I leave you to give him the 'tour'." Katherine lead Kleiner into a barracks looking building. It was generally empty and instead of a living quarters it was a briefing room of sorts, with a map wall, chalk board, projector, and seating. It was entirely empty and Katherine nodded to Kleiner. "This is the Pre Flight area. Here Witches and pilots would all gather here on a moment's notice, on any day of the year, to plan out and launch a mission within minutes of the alarm being sounded. Here is a realistic example and how we're going to fly today..." She walked over to a red latch on the wall. She yanked it down and suddenly a loud alarm sounded. As if someone had kicked an ant's nest, the base suddenly came to life. Witches suddenly darting in from all entrances, filing into the room and taking their seats as fast as possible. All the were in uniform, though it varied based on where they were in the base. Some were preparing for a formal night out and were dressed for the best while others wore more casual/standard uniforms for what they thought to be a lazy day of festivities. Now all, regardless of what they had been doing, stood at attention before them in front of their seats, ready for the emergency. Finally, after only five minutes, the commander of Foxtrot squadron came charging in. "WHO THE FUCK PULLED THE AL-.......... Lieu, Lieu, Lieu, ma'am! Lieutenant Colonel Avonsta! Ma'am!" the commander immediately came to attention and saluted. Katherine nodded and returned the salute. "At ease Major Kleinst. I must say, you have drilled your witches quite well for them to be all assembled like this so quickly. I knew I could count on you. We have a special guest today from across the world. This is Ubermeisterung Creutz Kleiner and his security detail from the Great Westhurst Union in the north. We are here today to show him what the Strike Witches can really do and... give him a tour of the skies. May give the briefing to the girls?" "Of, of course ma'am! It would be my honor ma'am!" "Right then.... Alright ladies! Listen up! As you may all know I am Lieutenant Colonel Avonsta, Leading commander of the 133rd Striker Squadron AKA "Hell's Angels", however, today I will be leading you. Our flight plan is simple, just conventional maneuvers, formations, and combat drills, but! You will preform as if the enemy was about to siege the capital and you were all that stands in their way! As you may have been wondering, the two scary lookin fella's and the guy in the rigid dress uniform are foreign observers. These men do not know what it is like to dominate the sky. Today you will show him and me why our Strike Witches are the greatest bunch of pilots the world has ever seen! You have ten minutes to be on that runway and ready for take off! Dismissed!" With that, the Witches rushed out of the building towards the hangars. "Alright, we better move. If I say ten they will probably do it in seven." The group made their way over to a hangar, not a observation tour, oddly enough. There a two seater trainer aircraft sat waiting to go. "We shall be observing their practice from the air. I shall be your pilot for today, Mr. Kleiner, but I'm afraid you must leave your guards behind as it only sits two. That won't be a problem I presume?" she said, almost challenging the man, daring the man to be a coward. They boarded the aircraft and took off into the sky......