[b]Name:[/b] Zayth Arielan [b]Description:[/b] Zayth stands at 6’3” and has the build and features of a warrior; Strong, broad shoulders and chest, a chiseled face. His skin, unlike that of his pale fellow Vaulters, is a light tan; the result of his 37 years battling the necrophage horde. His eyes are a deep green, and his short-cropped hair a dark brown; almost black. He has a scar running from the bottom of his jaw to his right side, the ugly remnants of the battle with a humanoid necrophage that lead to his elevation as a Dawn Officer. [b]Goals/Fears:[/b] The destruction of Auriga would be a bad scar left upon the history of the Vaulters. As a hardcore traditionalist, his love for his people is surpassed only by his hatred for the necrophage blight, and hopefully in saving Auriga he can destroy the necrophage at the same time. [b]Equipment:[/b] Zayth tends to travel rather heavily. Though his power armor, shield, greatsword, and various explosives tend to get him through most situations, he often finds himself in the need for one tool or another. In his mottle grey pack he carries a basic medical kit and various tools and bits of materials that give away his Vaulter background. A constant need to tinker, design, and build means that Zayth’s gear rarely stays the same. A rail rifle can be found strapped to his pack. Preferring being up close to his enemies, Zayth rarely uses it but is proficient with its use. [b]Skills:[/b] As an officer, Zayth tends to think before he acts. A mistake on his part tends to cost his marines their lives. He is an excellent tactician and a fierce warrior. Regarded as the best swordsmen in his company and possibly the best among all Vaulters, his skills with the blade are surpassed perhaps only by his skill as a commander specializing in small-team tactics. [b]Personality:[/b] Being quick to laugh and tell a joke made him quickly loved among his men, and his ability to separate his emotions from facts even more so. He was ruthless, yet kind. He is fierce, yet calm. It was because of his quick wit and personal discipline that he was chosen to be a part of the Tribunal, and he believed that it was the best way to save his planet and his people. [b]Background:[/b] Zayth hails from a family of scientists, and as a result is the first of the Arielans to fight –directly- for his people. Instilled upon him from a young age, Zayth believes in thought before action, and as a result he quickly built a reputation as a shrewd tactician and a fearless leader. A skilled warrior, he is no stranger to leading men and, even if that means leading them to their death. He gained his first command at 24 and despite several less than perfect operations; he was promoted to Dawn Officer at 30.