[quote=@Skyrte] I'm interested, looks like we're going to have a pretty big party. EDIT: When you said that we're allowed to make our own races, may we make a certain race of a species? For example, Humanity on Earth has Asians, Hispanics, Europeans, etc. Could we do that here? [/quote] The story doesn't exactly take place on Earth, unfortunately. However, things like Whites, Black, Hispanics, Asians, Etc. are things in the Human race. In fact, here is some interesting things: [list] [*] Racism is a major problem in this roleplay. Although not based off of skin color, the Kingdom of Men are (mostly) intolerant of other races. They deem them as freaks and lower class citizens. However, in most other countries, race isn't exactly a problem. In the OOC, it will explain why Man has become the way that they are. However, there are a few Great Men left, for they have the blood of the First Men to appear on Astoria. [*] The Vel in particular are targeted by Man. During the Great Uprising, the corrupted Men faced off against the Vel, who'm could not be corrupted by Artorias, the main villain of our story. Their bond with The Mother was too great. For Man, however, they were swept with horrible things like illness, greed, shortened life-span, death, etc. It is this reason that the descendants of Man are the way they are. They are no longer evil, so to say, but the consequences long ago have taken their toll. The Great Men are a rare bloodline now. They live up to their ancestry and are considered the greatest of their race. Unfortunately, Lesser Men, the ones effected by their ancestors corruption, are the dominant ones of their species, in social and politic aspects. [/list]