[quote=@Commodore Robot] Indeed it does, but really I don't give a hoot. Do you want your air fleets to use big guns? Do you want them to use rockets? Do you want them to bomb their enemies or a little bit of everything? Air battleships and armored cruisers or just floating weapon platforms? It really doesn't matter, I appreciate that people have gone through the effort to do the math for such things, but to be perfectly frank I don't really care. Airships exist for thematic purposes, there's magical fucking antigravity clay, and steam engines are far more efficient and powerful than they have any right to be. This setting doesn't exactly need to be 100% perfectly logical down to the newton or joule or coulomb considering that this is steampunk, and steampunk and "math" have never made good bedfellows. Major breaches in logic should obviously be addressed, but for the rest things can be hand waved as needed. At the end of the day, take a deep breath, relax, and repeat the following to yourself [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ugebzq3juE[/url] [/quote] Ahh... MST3K Mantra... speculative fiction's best friend.