Aurellius looked up as their resident Oswald sat down at the table, of which he had only sat down because he had seen both Diamond and Marcus both sitting at. He flexed his bandaged right hand with a small grin as the pain served to clear his mind. Numbers, dates, and other various things had been clogging his noggin ever since the fight. That, and deeper thoughts of what it would've took to win the fight. In reality, if he had noticed the second dagger, he would've won in a heart beat. The bandaged hand barely bothered him in the slightest, and he somehow doubted two would've stopped him. All it would have taken was a quick headbutt to Jack's stupid face... A shake of his head brought his thoughts back to the lunch table. The food was... food. It had less quality than the cuisine he was used to, but he didn't really care all that much. "Hey, did you all know what the professors were talking about? That's... not stuff you guys learned, is it? Because... well... I never learned any of that," Aurellius heard as he stopped stabbing the macaroni with his fork, a bit surprised at the man being surprisingly open. "Never needed it, never heard of it," Diamond replied in kind. "The state really takes pathetic care for it's children." Aurellius chuckled, leaning backwards in his seat. He missed the heavy weight of Ascalon, having been forced to drop the weapon off at the Armory before his other classes. "You poor, poor unfortunates," he said with a heaping of fake concern added. "Well, I suppose its not all that bad. For the most part, I barely know physics. Now, get me in front of a 401k and I'm sure I can help you with that." He waved the fork, "And based on our battles, I'd say Oswald gets the promotion. Diamond, you got knocked out." He grinned slightly. "How's that head treating you, dear?"