"Take me home and feed me, puh-leaaaase?" Diamond said with a mocked whine, giving Aurelius the most adorable puppy eyes she could muster without a stupid grin appearing on her face. "I'll just bankrupt you on food alone. No danger!" she half joked, taking a healthy bite from one of the sandwiches. Then he just had to go and bring up the combat class. "My head's perfectly fine, unlike a certain fox face's I could mention." she grunted, stabbing a few curly fries with the fork particularly violently. "I came here expecting to fight monsters of varying degree of mindlessness, not humans with their cheats. But don't worry, lesson learned. I lost my nerve. Next time I'll poke them with the cane a few times instead of charging right in." she said, taking a break to get some more food down to her belly. [i]Just like breaking into a place. Scout out their defenses, move in when unexpected.[/i] she added in her mind. "Besides, I'm alive, and next time she's as good as dead. so what If I can't hit her without damaging myself. I'll just have to knock her out another way..." she thought out loud as she put a hand on Aurelius' shoulder. Her shadow wrapped around the boy's lower face, cutting his air supply. She held for a few seconds to demonstrate the point before letting the shadow dissolve and casually going back to her food.