Gren arrived in the dinning hall looking much better than after his fight. His armor was repaired and he had his hand again, though he notably was wearing a different glove. He had to hasten his recovery since he had classes shortly after his matches, math and history respectfully. He had no comment about them. He actually liked math and did fairly well with it, and even history was nice to learn, though he admittedly have very little use for it. Sure he should learn the mistakes of others in the past to make sure he doesn't reenact them, but world history wasn't really something he felt was relevant. And frankly, something he'd rather not be a part of. As Gren walked through the dinning hall he didn't go through the lunch line. He actually had another box with him, the one that he took to the Infirmary yesterday. Not the cake one, but the other one he brought but couldn't break out due to Shiro fleeing the infirmary. He had hoped that everyone could eat together but when he entered he saw Shiro eating alone. He figured that perhaps Abel was still in the line and Sapphire had to recover at the infirmary but it wasn't long before Gren found her as well, eating at the table of another group. Was she being sociable or leaving Shiro alone on purpose? Perhaps it would be better not to think too much about, but Gren wasn't really one to willfully chose ignorance. Sapphire would be responsible for her own relations he supposed. If she wants to befriend others outside of her team that that was her prerogative. Gren walked up to Shiro and waved at him. [color=00a651]"Hello Kuhaku. Nice fight out there."[/color] Then Gren opened the box to reveal what he had brought yesterday; a [url=]miniature propane grill and cubed steaks[/url]. There was at least three pounds of the steaks in a sealed bag where they have been marinating since yesterday. Gren also brought some vegetables such as green beans, carrots, and beansprouts. Well the beansprouts were for him. He just ate them strait from the bag, throwing a few on the grill. [color=00a651]"How do you like your meat Kuhaku?"[/color]