Jacque trudged through the muck at a toddler's pace, hardly something he believed befitting of a ranger, but it was a necessary evil to ensure he reached the destination alive. He gave an amused snort and shrug at Priscilla's statement, "[b]It's a shame the drake you seek wasn't one known to inhabit meadows.[/b]". Jacque almost paused to wonder whether or not his statement would be viewed as insensitive, however a roar ripped through the swamp accompanied by the sound of trees being torn asunder by the creature that charged towards the group. The ranger spun, and, upon viewing the ent bearing down upon him, unsheathed his weapon and prepared to do battle. For a moment, the size of the massive amalgamation of wood and fury made Jacque wonder if perhaps he should fight not as a man, but as a beast. The sudden burning sensation on his chest from the talisman he carried quickly shut down that idea, eliciting a small growl of displeasure from him.