Evelyn blushed a vivid shade of red, eyes widening at the boy’s words when he complimented her, obviously caught off guard. Her lips parted, as if unsure what to say until he reached for the blood. She was about to properly offer him some when Taeyang stepped in and took one. “Yes, of course,” she said, turning slightly so that he could reach without brushing against her. She watched him leave and turned back to the young one, seeing he had moved further back away again. She raised a brow, unsure why he seemed more frightened of the male than she, but he also may have been fearful that there were two of them instead of one. Surely, that would be more frightening to wake up to. She felt sympathy for these newly turned ones, not wanting to curse anyone with the life she herself had to exist within. “Yes, take one,” she spoke when the man asked, although it seemed he would have partaken anyway. Evelyn gave a soft smile, happy to have helped satisfy what she knew had to be an undying thirst. Though his reaction to taking another made her look at him questioningly. Evelyn turned around when other footsteps entered, seeing another new one and Taeyang return. “Hello Anrah,” Evelyn said, holding out the tray for the girl to receive her own goblet, but not before the boy she’d welcomed took another. Evelyn looked back at him, watching while he partook, and looked hesitant to reply to his words. “I suppose William is your name? You both may call me Evelyn. Or Ms. De Winter, whatever you prefer. But yes, I’m afraid you are… vampires,” she said, simply confirming his suspicions. “When you feel well enough I suppose we can show you the castle and you may exist outside our dungeons,” she spoke, basically thinking out loud as she looked between the two young ones.