[h3]Astarte & Hazael[/h3] People seemed to come together a bit better now. They were now willing to follow her, or at least, that's what she thought. Now, what was next? She motioned something to her brother on the rooftop. If someone were to turn around, they'd see a shadow hurrying out of sight. Kendrick, Hazael's brother, who was watching over everything and will now inform everyone of Hazael's companions and who they should be watching. It was thought, Hazael was almost sure that Donat was already on their case. She felt the approaching danger, that's for sure, but right now, she couldn't back down, not after so many preparations. [color=82ca9d]"Dismissed, then. We will meet right here again tomorrow."[/color] Astarte was confused as ever, and wanted to demand some kind explanation. What his sister had said meant nothing to him. He'd follow her to her home if necessary, but he wanted a real run down on how the hell did Hazael got on to everything that was happening. [color=fff200]"Sis, I-!"[/color] Before he could say anything, Hazael stopped him by simply putting her hand up. [color=82ca9d]"Ask anything you want to Kendrick. I have some things to take care of right now. Don't be late tomorrow, Assie."[/color] Hazael said, smiling at her brother and then walked to where Salazar was and motioned with her head for him to follow her. When she was sure there was no one else aroudn, she raised her voice. [color=82ca9d]"Then, what is this about, Salazar?"[/color] [CENTER][h2]The Next Day[/h2][/CENTER] Three figures stood next to the gate, at afternoon. Donat didn't do anything all throughout the night, and that was all the more worrying. In the gate were the three siblings of the Triumvirate. Many looked at them, all armed up and wearing suits of armor. Hazael was wearing really light armor, as well as her brother Kendrick, who had a bow hanging around his back, and lastly, her baby brother, Astarte was using heavy duty armor that looked extremely heavy, along with a sword and shield. [hider=Kendrick] [IMG]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/wand-of-fortune/images/9/95/Wand08.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140308184550[/IMG][/hider] [color=00a99d]"So, dear sister of mine, how the hell are we going to bring the other pair of girls here with the Arachnoblaster in our butss, huh?"[/color] Kendrick said, while Hazael just sighed. [color=00a99d]"Whaaaat... No comeback, really? I thought you were a better straightman, woman, that this, sis."[/color] Kendrick then started laughing sarcastically. [color=00a99d]"Then, were there any hot chicks in the group from yesterday? I got a look, but not a real good look at them.... Did any of them have a nice body, sis, unlike you, that are merely bones and skin?"[/color] With that, Kendrick won himself a punch to the face. [color=00a99d]"Ouchie! I've told you not to do that, sis, my face is my toold of trade."[/color] He stroked his nose as he said that. [color=82ca9d]"Shut up already, Ken. I've got enough to worry about as it is."[/color] Hazael said, though she said so, she didn't seem all that stressed, meanwhile Astarte didn't talk at all, though. [color=82ca9d][i]'He must be nervous... I can't blame him.'[/I][/color] ([@Musoka] Let's do that chat through PM's, sorry. :P)