[b]“Yeah, I didn't really get a good look myself either,”[/b] Chloe said conversationally as she stepped out from the shadows of the gatehouse door and walked toward the group of knights who stood beneath the open gate to the city. There was a playful bounce to her step and she swung her arms in an exaggerated manner. Her body was wrapped in the same white paper coat that she had worn to the meeting the other day, only it was a little worse for wear. Her face was clean, save for a slight smudge of dirt on her cheek. If she had noticed it bothered her little. Chloe turned toward Kendrick. [b]“So what about me? Do I have a nice body?”[/b] Chloe said playfully, coming to a stop several feet from the group. To negate any tension her presence may have elicited she closed her eyes and laughed gently. She placed her hands together behind her back cocked her head to the side and smiled. [b]“Chloe Magnolia Chevalier. And you must be HaZaEl,”[/b] Chloe said playfully as she deliberately fumbled the pronunciation of Hazael's name. [b]“We didn't speak yesterday. But here I am. And here you are.”[/b] Chloe stood upright and laughed heartily to herself before curtsying to Hazael.