[h2][center][b]Lord Captain Damon Farrow[/b][/center][/h2] Damon began strolling down to the gate, this time accompanied by four members of the Kings Guard that he trusted completely, they weren't coming but he wanted them to help him keep Civvies away from the discussion... the those pesky city guard. The Other Guardsmen looked very prim and proper, in full uniform. They were walking with stone espressions, even if one of them was quite the talked off duty and could rarely hold his liquor, and their mere presence made people keep to the edge of the street, for to them this looked like official business and you never get involved in the official business of the upper classes if you valued your livelihood. On the other hand Damon looked more at ease, he was more relaxed, but not slobbish. He was still in full uniform but he hand casually rested on his hilt and his expression was one of exhaustion. Damon hadn't got much sleep, truth be told he spent most the night on duty and the rest lying down in one of the palace's guest rooms, alert for the slightest sign of movement. Eventually he arrived at the gate to meet the trio and one other from yesterday, his men fanning out to keep the area clear of miscreants and allow them an area not filled by an army of civilians. Officially he was here to inspect the city guard and check that it was ready to deal with this arachnoblaster should Hazael's group fail, unofficially he was here to help in anyway he could. "[i]Commander, these are some of my most trusted few, they have been informed of what should happen should an attempt be made on anyone in the palace's life. They are here to listen, observe and give me an excuse for missing my shift today[/i]." he said, adding the last part with a nervous smile, pretending he was happy to be off work. "[i]So whats the plan?[/i]" he said getting to within a meter of the group.